Prevention of Human Toxoplasmosis Prezi

This is a carefully produced prezi on the prevention of human toxoplasmosis. A “prezi”, for people unfamiliar with the word, is a modern and more flexible version of the usual presentation using online software. I think it is an ideal way to present information about a tricky topic, which is often presented by scientists using jargon that is unintelligible to a lot of web surfers. Below the prezi I have listed some of my thoughts about the prevention of toxoplasmosis in people having learned something in the preparation of this presentation.


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Probably the most important aspect of toxoplasmosis is that there is far too much emphasis on the cat and far too little emphasis on food handling and preparation in the kitchen. By far the greater risk of being infected is in handling raw meat.  Let’s be fair on the cat.

There is also a lot of scaremongering by idiot quasi-scientists pronouncing how the toxoplasmosis organism tachyzoites invades a person’s brain in a sinister way and makes them mad or behave in peculiar ways. We have to be more rational and sensible in our appraisal. This sort of person fuels cat-hater arguments for the extermination of the cat. It is irresponsible behavior.

It is very possible, actually quite easy, to take common sense steps to prevent infection by toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women do not need to get rid of their cat or cats. Also gardeners and people enjoying gardens need to be aware of the possibilities and take some simple precautions.

I have written a lot about the stray and feral cat. Ultimately, their existence is due to irresponsible cat ownership. Of all cats, strays play a important role in the transmission of toxoplasmosis. Something needs to be done about this over and above hoping people change their ways. I have suggested some sort of legislative intervention.

Everyone who has a cat has a relationship with another species. There are some health risks either way. There are also health risks in living with another person or going into a public place. Let’s keep things in perspective.

I won’t waffle on anymore because all the information needed is in the presentation. If I have missed something or got something wrong please tell me in a comment as I want this prezi to be complete and accurate.

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