
by Thomas
(Richmond, VA)



We adopted Prissy at age 4 and she's been a very sweet and affectionate cat. There's never been a time when we've had her when she wasn't purring. Didn't matter if you touched her or not. If you were in her presence, she purred.

Very soft fur, and plenty of it. Playful even up to her adult years. Prissy was a lap cat in the winter, but only on her own terms.

She never enjoyed being held, but I'm sure that probably had to do with her upbringing, which I've had no knowledge of.

I'm quite sure she was a NFC based on looks and basic temperament. She always enjoyed being touched, petted, and scritched behind the ears and on her chin. She would frequently leg rub with anyone, even strangers. She wasn't shy with people at all.

Prissy was a very healthy cat up till the last month when I found out she had Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, which as I've been reading, turns out to be fairly common in the breed. She was 13.

Despite this, I'm very much considering adopting another NFC. If not for their smooth, silky fur, but for their sweet nature. This cat was even willing to work around my schedule, which changed pretty much from day to day. Such a thing in a cat is rare, from my understanding.

I would recommend this breed to anyone. Just be sure to groom them every now and then, especially in the warmer days of the year.


See NFC Health Problems

Prissy to Norwegian Forest Cat

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Jun 28, 2011
A propos de
by: Anonymous

Spam was here - deleted by Michael Nov 2012

Jul 03, 2010
Breed character?
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi Thomas. That final ride is never easy and I am very sorry for you. Prissy was a beautiful cat and 13 years is really not that much for a Norwegian, but you did what had to be done.

As to general character of any breed of cats I have to say that this has probably more to do with the upbringing than with what breed it is. The mother cat has to be good at her job and so have the humans supporting her. Interacting with other cats and getting used to being handled by humans are important factors for the socialising. But even siblings from the same litter will differ a lot.
Many years ago we had a Norwegian litter and the three kittens evolved into completely different personalities.
The boy Mons was the biggest that never had to struggle for anything, so he became the lap cat. The two girls were both much more active, but Molly would jump head first into anything while Milly carefully judged the distance before making her jump. For the rest of their lifes they stayed like that - the fearless, the calculating and the laid back. Same genes, same upbringing - three different types.
But generally Norwegians are good cats and beautiful too. I wish you good luck in finding another, just remember that it will never be a replacement for your Prissy, but another cat with it's very own personality. 😉

Jun 30, 2010
So Sorry
by: Merrily

So sorry to hear you lost your beautiful Prissy. Norwegian Forest Cats are the sweetest cats I have ever owned, and whites like Prissy are my favorite.

HCM is sometimes found in this breed, however many of the breeders are testing their breeding cats, and working hard to combat this dreaded disease.

HCM is found in many breeds, including Bengals. British Shortair, and even random bred cats, I lost a cat that I rescued from the pound to HCM a few years ago

If you choose to have another Wegie in your life, ask the breeder if he or she tests for HCM, and if they don't save yourself some heartache and look elsewhere.

Jun 30, 2010
by: Thomas

The past tense was indeed because I had to let her go on Monday. The cardiomyopathy was in it's final stage and was terminal. People I have spoken to at the hospital I took her to say that cats are good at hiding things that ail them. I never knew how bad it was until it was too late. This breed commonly has this problem it seems, but despite this, I'd certainly recommend a NFC. This page is kind of my testament to Prissy and all the good years she's given me.

Jun 30, 2010
Is Prissy still with you?
by: Tracey (England)

Hi Thomas

Prissy is a lovely cat; her name suits her well.

I've noticed that you've been writing in the past tense a lot; I do hope that doesn't mean that you've lost your lovey Prissy?

Jun 30, 2010
Fabulous cat
by: Michael

Hi Thomas.. what a fabulous looking cat Prissy is. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your story. Good luck to Prissy with her health and to you too.

Michael Avatar

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