Since joining the anti declaw ranks I have been called many things including crazy and had quite a few threats too, but I had never been called a stalker before I commented on a heated debate on a facebook page!
It amazed me to see how far pro declaws will go to justify their certainty that declawing cats is acceptable.
Here are just a few of the ignorant and unfeeling comments (spelling unchanged) including some from other pages where people defend their right to pay a vet to mutilate their cat:
From the furniture worshippers:
- “I have 2 de-clawed cats. I figure if I am going to spend thousands of dollars on them over their life time I can do it without having my furniture ruined. My kitten tore my carpet and couch up! He was drugged up and put to sleep while he was declawed.”
- “Got 2 declawed cats. They wouldn’t have stayed had they not been declawed. They were ruining carpets.”
- “I like my furniture more than my cat.”
- “Our cat got on my husbands nerves tearing our house up! Now declawed all of us happy.
I have two declawed cats and it’s better than coming home finding the couch and drapes shredded.”
From the dogs come first:
- “My kitten scratched the dog across the face so I got it declawed.”
- “Was told by Vet to have my cat declawed because I got a Pug puppy which could have eye damage from the cat.”
- “My cat aged 4yrs I did it in fear if her taking out the eyeballs of my nephew’s Chug. The bulging eyes on the fearless dog scared me into doing it. The dog would charge my girl and she would react by swatting and clawing the dog.” (Comment: This last one made me livid, the ‘fearless’ dog can now ‘charge’ the cat and bully her all it likes!)
From the: to protect my kids:
- “Better than our kids faces getting clawed.”
- “My kitten scratched when my kid played with it the claws had to go.”
- “Got my cat declawed before it scratched my babys eye out.”
From the declaw or no home:
- “Its cruel but if my cat hadn’t been declawed I wouldn’t have been able to have her. So ask my cat if it was worth the trade.”
- “I won’t own a cat unless it is declawed.The fronts only, they tear up your stuff if not!!”
- “I was not letting a clawed cat in my house, it was declaw or killed.”
From the declaw or live outside:
- “If my cat wants to come in the house he will not destroy everything and will be declawed. If he wants his claws, he will be an outside cat 24/7.”
- “I owned a Bengal cat. I took her to my vet to have all four paws declawed before I received any injury.”
From the it’s simple surgery:
- “Following a declaw procedure the animal experiences some discomfort for a few days then once it heals they are fine.”
- “Simple surgery beats death any day!”
- “They soon get over it and knows no different.”
From the lucky to have a home:
- “If that means they get a home then I’m sure the cat would be happy to have a home. Even if it had to be declawed.”
- “We would not have a clawed cat in our home it’s a small price to pay to be allowed to live with us.”
From the bad cat:
- “Our cat was declawed and happy, even after we had to make him an outside cat because he went bad and didn’t want to use the litter box.”
- “Our declawed cat turned bad and pooped on the floor he had to get put out after we spent all that money on him.”
From the claws don’t matter:
- “I had a cat that was accidentally declawed years ago when in for spaying but the doctor said she didn’t need them. She was happy so we were happy.”
From the declaw or get rid:
- “My cats are both are very happy healthy cats. It is better for me to declaw them rather than get rid of them.”
- “My cat was clawing furniture and my dad said I had to get her done or we would get rid of her.”
- “They should not claw at couches and beds! Just saying. Better declawed than out.”
- “It was either that or the cat was going back to the Shelter!”
- “I use to clip my cats nails but my man got them declawed or they had to go but I told him leave da back ones in my poor baby.”
From the it’s cruel but cats claws are dangerous:
- “I know it cruel but I declawed my kitty on the front, but it was us who was in danger from the cat.”
- “Don’t like doing it cos it’s cruel but claws are sharp and rip you up.”
From the totally ignorant:
- “I don’t think its right cats have to put up with them sharp things and theyre better off when they’ve gone and us as well.”
- “Cats don’t need their claws we know that.”
- “Its up to owners what they do nobody else and vets wouldn’t do if it was cruel.”
Roll on the day when declawing is banned, will those people still think they were right and we are crazy?
I even put a link to a Jackson Galaxy live debate on de-clawing and they still all carried on in denial!
I know, you can hardly believe it can you, they’d rather be in denial about their cruelty even though Jackson Galaxy and other cat experts give them proof.
I just can’t wait for the day they have the smirk wiped off their faces!
Over the last few years we have seen some ignorant, cruel and heart breaking comments like those in the poster about declawing on the net, I can’t believe that people still think it’s a reasonable thing to do to an animal that is supposedly loved by the family who adopt it and that despite all the publicity by the Paw Project, US cities that have banned it and the widespread posts and opinions of people like us that rationalise against declawing there are veterinarians still prepared not only to perform declawing procedures but to openly advertise them as desirable and offer discounts. What will it take for them to stop or will we have to wait until all practicing vets who declaw cats are retired and younger, surely better educated, vets hopefully stamp it out. I wonder if newly qualified vets declaw, I know they are still trained in it but once qualified, unless made to do so by an employer, do they do it or refuse it?
Hopefully newly qualified vets will find it this nightmare scenario
Yes I hope so, glad you have a poster for every occasion 😉
When declawing is banned I’ll be so happy I’ll print them all off and shred them into confetti and run naked round our town singing and dancing and throwing it everywhere lol The USA will see it all on worldwide news lol
OMG! I must be ready with the camera, on video, so our POC friends can witness your arrest LOL
Surely our lovely police here wouldn’t arrest me 😉 in fact I think some of them might join in lol
LOL. If declawing is banned in our lifetime I’ll take everyone on a super little holiday (if I have any money left) where we can sing and dance but not naked 😉
We are trying to figure out what trainee vets are taught at vet school in the USA. I would expect that nothing is said about declawing. It would be nice to know how the lecturers deal with this sore subject.