This is another great example of how a domestic cat can brighten up the lives of people in the workplace. In this case it happens to be St Mary’s University. As often happens Carlton has become an international celebrity. Staff and students at the university derive a lot of pleasure from Carlton’s presence.

You can’t really improve upon the words of Tara McKinney a photographer who likes to take photographs of him. She says that he so sweet “and our school LOVES him and yes he is the campus cat. He wanders around the school (“the Littlest Hobo”) and professors and students LOVE him”. The emphasis on the word love clearly indicating that he is truly loved at this university.
Sometimes they see him on campus and then he turns up at various buildings. You might seem at the library or in the office. “Feline arts” is what they say he is studying. A sandwich course on feline therapy cat is what I’d suggest. Sandwich courses are when students combine study and work throughout the course.
The photograph on this page is of Carlton in the university office. Carlton sauntering by put smiles are on the faces of the people who watch him telling us that he touches a lot of people throughout the day brightening up their lives for a moment or two. Providing emotional warmth is his gift. Carlton makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.
“He comes to my classes all the time and I just get so happy.. I think he owns the school”. (Marissa Wiles).
As far as I’m aware, his owner lives nearby and he wanders away from his home to the University for entertainment. Sophie Smith is Carlton’s guardian and she mentions, “he’s always loved people and being curious about people”. He is clearly a people cat, confident around strangers which means that he was very nicely socialized.
He doesn’t know it but he is a therapy cat warming up a place of learning.
Cats like Carlton are important in the relationship between cat and human. Promoting the beneficial qualities of the domestic cat as he does should help to reduce cat abuse of which there is still too much. Good news stories are outnumbered by unhappy ones. Source: CBC News.
I like that. I think to be honest that if all people treated all animals better it would be a better world for humans as well. There is something wrong with the attitude of the human species towards animals. Of course many people love animals but far too many abuse them.
You are so right. Too bad many people are not aware that cats make everything better.
Me too. I love this stories. They are great for cat welfare and promoting the cat.
What a lovely “person.” I just hope no harm comes to him.