Meghan Markle is 38 weeks pregnant at the date of this short post. That comes from a pregnancy expert on the parents.com website.
There is a well-known domestic cat whose name is Phoenix who is able to make predictions! Phoenix predicted that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s baby will be a girl. The prediction was made when the feline appeared on ITV’s Lorraine on Tuesday morning.
He made the prediction by eating from a pink bowl instead of a blue one 🙂 . It’s all about hard science! This quite well-known cat has been on the television show ‘Lorraine’ before. Phoenix predicted some time ago that Christine Lampard would deliver a baby girl before she went on maternity leave. The prediction was correct.
The Meghan prediction was made last year on 16th October, not long after Kensington Palace confirmed that the Duchess of Sussex, 37, was pregnant with the couple’s first child.
We can wait with baited breath to see whether Phoenix is correct once again.
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