16 thoughts on “PUMPS, HEARTS, AND CATS by Sylvia Ann”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. A beautifully written article, Sylvia.
    I think I got the gist.
    When it comes to caring about animals, I’ve met quite a few of those people with cold, steel-like pumps embedded in their chests, performing only the basic intended purpose.

  3. Okay for YOU, Babzy! If nothing more, take a gander at Endnotes 2 and 5 – then show them to Ruthie.
    Your own narrative style has a richness and maturity I’d be glad to emulate.
    Pass this along to your sister: YES! I spied someone in there guaranteed to drain the infernal epididymis so I can get out there and hoe my patty-pan squash in peace!!! — Also tell her I’m heading up to the lib. this Tuesday. xx

  4. Hiya, Kylie!

    One of ancient Greece’s greatest philosophers said of himself: ‘I know that I know nothing.’ He had what may have been the most sophisticated intellect in Athens, yet he claimed to know nothing. It’s usually the know-it-alls who are unknowing. Why? Because they never suspect there are things they DON’T know. Socrates KNEW he didn’t know! The ones who ‘think’ they know everything, are blissfully unaware of life’s mysteries.

    You have so many thousands of kinds of knowledge stored away in your brain since you were born, you couldn’t count them, even if you tried. As to not understanding some things — don’t you think just about everyone feels that way much of the time? Sure as heck know I do!

    I’m sorry you’re feeling under the weather. Hope you’ll be better when you return. Perhaps it might cheer you to join some local group or organization? In-person meetings are a far better way to make friends than the Internet. One is reality, while the other is only a screen and a keyboard. Anyhow…just a thought. Take care of yourself!

    • Hi Sylvia thanks for such lovely and kind words,that really helped me in so more ways. Yes Its winter Season over here 🙁 Hopefully this week will be a better week im hoping. I’m doing abit better. Its amazing, when your feeling sad or down or even just not coping,they automatically know. Jasmine has been so great for me lately. She cuddles right in and gives me sandpaper licks. Yea im going to get into going to Adult literacy & other things this week and hopefully some swimming. Had to deal with finding another baby rat again in the bathroom. Although I have 5 cats they only want to play with the poor thing. So I had to try and get it with the cat cage. So i released it happily into the bush with the cats all lined up wanting to catch it again. Anyway thanks again keep well xx

  5. Wow Sylvia your heart was in that writing, so eloquent and so right, morons who abuse animals don’t have hearts they only have the necessary mechanics to keep their blood circulating. Maybe it’s my age but I have the attention span of a gnat these days so I didn’t get right through it, but madam I am impressed by your skills. x

  6. Yea im sorry i don’t really understand half of what is said. I must admit, i do struggle sometimes understanding some terms i, get easily confused what is being said. I’m not doing very well mentally so i might be away for a wee while. Also its that time of the year when things often go wrong. So when im feeling better ill come back. Nice article anyway. 🙂


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