Purina PetCare Rescue Cat Awards 2010

This cat looks like he or she got an award and is making an acceptance speech - photo added by Michael - photo by ehpien (Flickr)

This cat looks like he or she got an award and is making an acceptance speech - photo added by Michael - photo by ehpien (Flickr)

Here we go everyone. After much digging and trolling I have another wonderful story for everyone. This is the COOLEST event I've read of since the "Puppy Ball!" So grab your coffee and feel free to read this one aloud because it's another great idea.

Again, this is an idea that could be adjusted on a smaller scale in local areas to raise money to help our cats.

Purina PetCare Cats Protection Rescue Cat Awards is a wonderful event that recognizes rescued cats and their owners. It has been successful in the past the deadline is close for the 2010 show. This years ceremony is scheduled to take place in London at New London Theater in the West end on August 4, 2010.

I hate that we don't have one here in the U.S., but who knows. It could eventually happen. Even on a local level as a fundraiser would be nice.

The deadline for entries is May 27, 2010. For more information please check this out: Cat Rescue Awards 2010.

The great part of this is the qualifications to enter. This contest is open to any stray rescued either by an individual or adopted from a rescue organization. Finally something for all the moggies and ferals who don't have "pedigree" status. It's time they were appreciated by the world. Purina PetCare have created a perfect event with the Rescue Cat Awards. They are definitely the hero in this story. The other hero's for this is the individuals involved in saving these poor cats and those giving them a "forever" home.

There are four categories for a cat to compete in. I know I keep repeating myself but THIS IS SO GREAT!

The first category is HERO CAT. This is exactly as it sounds. Cat's who have saved the day by performing acts of great heroism are eligible. We all know there are many out there. I'm not going to go into searching for them because that would turn this article into a novel.

The second category is for ULTIMATE SURVIVOR. It is also exactly as it sounds. Cat's who have beat the odds at survival. We've all seen stories about cats who should have died and came thru. I know I've personally seen some of these cats on the world news and literally held my breath for a daily report of the poor cats condition. I've even cried when a few of them either died or had to be euthanized.

The third category is called BEST FRIENDS. Again, Purina PetCare makes the category easy to understand. This award is for the cat who most dramatically improved the quality of life for the human it saved. You read me right, everyone. Everyone knows the cat saves us and not the other way around.

The fourth and final category is called MOST INCREDIBLE STORY. The Rescue Cat Award in this category goes to the cat that has defied all the odds in every manner possible in one way or another. This is a great award for the cat of all cats. It must be a true story for the cat to be eligible.

The Purina PetCare Rescue Cat Awards will also hand out one LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT award. This award will go to an older cat who truly rescued its human from a lifetime of loneliness. I'd hate to have to choose the cat for this category because ALL of the entries are already winners in my opinion. The rescued cats and their owners.

Now it's time for me to throw in some personal opinion on how this could be replicated on a local level. Wouldn't it be great for Humane Societies and rescue groups to sponsor an event in a given area? Charge a very small entry fee for owners to enter their cats and hand out winning ribbons in different categories. The categories could even be different than the Rescue Cat Awards. Make it a fun afternoon filled with family events and raise some money for local shelters. Everyone I know has a pet carrier so the cats would be safe for the event. People love getting their cats together with other cat owners. Especially those of us with moggies and ferals.

I have one request I'd like for each of my readers to do. You didn't realize I'd give everyone "homework," did you? LOL. Pick one of the five categories (yes, I'm including the lifetime achievement award) and add a few paragraphs about your own cat and why you'd nominate the cat. You may pretend enter each cat only one time under one category.

Pass this article around by email to your friends who have cats and we'll see how many submissions we get here on pictures-of-cats. It's always entertaining to read about each others cats.

Just remember in the real world the deadline for entries is May 27, 2010. Here's the email for more information on how to enter: rescuecatawards@cats.org.uk

I'll end this article by repeating myself. THIS IS SO GREAT!! Now I'm going to sit back, relax, and read YOUR nominations.

Please don't ask me to pick a winner.




Purina PetCare Rescue Cat Awards 2010 to Cat News

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Purina PetCare Rescue Cat Awards 2010

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May 16, 2010 Old adoptees are Ultimate Survivors
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

For the 'Ultimate survivor' category I will nominate all elderly shelter cats adopted into new homes. These cats often have been somebody's affectionate companion until some day something unexpected happens that will place them in a shelter cage instead. And all too often these good cats are passed by, because people prefer adopting cute kittens.

Our Snow White is one such cat - left at a shelter because 'her owner could no longer take care of her'. We found her by chance, because we went to visit that particular shelter at that particular date. Actually we were looking for a 2-3 year old tomcat, but although there were some great looking ones, none of them caught our hearts as this chubby, old girl did. And she has never disappointed us in any way. Also see the page 'Don't Forget the Elderly Shelter Cats'

Although it is never said openly, I suppose the shelters around here have some limits as to how long they have cats up for adoption. And I don't like the thought of what might eventually have become of Snow White, in case she had not been adopted by us or somebody else...

Discarded by their previous humans and overlooked at the shelters - in my mind the old adoptees qualify for 'Ultimate Survivors' and maybe a couple of the other categories as well. 😉

May 12, 2010 Purina PetCare Rescue Cat Awards 2010
by: BJ

I would have to pick "Best Friends". I got Evanrude when my niece and her husband (in the Navy) was transferred to Japan. The red tape and quarantene time would have been traumatic for her to cats, so I took them. From the beginning Evenrude was a lovable cat. He had his own kitty door and went in and out when he wanted. It wasn't unusual for him to come in the house in the middle of the night and jump on the bed with something in his mouth and talking to me at the same time. I never knew what it would be. He never harmed the animal, and after taking the present and telling him what a good cat he was, I would release it back outside when he wasn't looking. At this time I lived alone and he was a great comfort. Being a BIG cat the dogs in the neighborhoor were terrified of him. He would hide out of sight,when a dog or another can came close he would jump out at them. He would warn me when someone was outside or if a bad storm was coming. I LOVE MY CAT

May 12, 2010 Furby is a strange cat
by: Joyce Sammons

I don't know what category I'd put him in. Probably the best friends. My first thought when I saw him was "that poor stupid whatever it is, is gonna get himself run over by a car." He did save my life since I found him on the way home from by ex's funeral. In a way, Furby is like my ex. He's fearless, walks head-on into trouble, is clumsy and knows how to keep me up at night. Furby has even learned to knock 5 times on my bedroom door. Not 4 and not 6. 5 times. Can he count now too? He walks around the room and jumps at one spot on the wall like there's something only he can see. Then he perches himself on my shoulder and reads with me. He even looks at me when its time for me to turn the page. How does he know I'm done? And sneaky-I have to keep an extra fork on my plate or he'll run off with my meat if I don't keep it speared down. He'll play tug-of-war with food. He's very strong and doesn't give up. He's also very into himself and he LOVES women. ALL JUST LIKE MY EX.

Now I can't remember a life without my Furby. He did start out with a very bad life with the fly larvae in his neck. Now he's totally spoiled.

May 12, 2010 Better than me
by: Michael

Hi Elisa. Both my cats are rescue but I know that there are people who visit this site and contribute who are much more deserving than me. One of them might be Joyce for example and Furby. Furby is a little hero.

I always think that domestic cats give more by their presence than they take in caretaking. But there are some heroic people who give and give again to help the lost and abandoned cats.

Michael Avatar

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