Try putting yourself in your cat’s place. This page is part of the PoC website. Putting youeself in your cat’s place is a way to truly empathise with your cat. If you don’t already do it I would recommend it. You will become a better cat caretaker – guaranteed. And a better person actually. When you are able to put yourself in your cat’s place you are placing your cat on an equal footing with you and other people. It is a state of democracy in your household which is very much in harmony with how your cat sees you. The poster is by Ruth. She has kindly agreed that it can be used “as is” under a creative commons license provided you credit her: “Post by Ruth AKA Kattaddorra”. You can download the poster by right clicking on it and selecting “save image as..”. You can then use it actual size for a book or resize it for the internet. You can resize images using free download software such as or Picasa 3. An alternative is to adjust the image on the internet using an online photo editor. Google “online photo editor” and several good ones will come up. They are easy to use. Go PUT YOURSELF IN YOUR CAT’S PLACE.