In 1932, Jeanette MacDonald posed with then famous cat, Puzzums who was kind of a big deal in old Hollywood. He earned $250/week to appear in films with stars like Will Rogers, Maurice Chevalier and Carole Lombard. The cat was raised by hand when his mother deserted him at birth, but he went on to develop abilities to do more tricks than the average dog. He could cross his eyes, “laugh”, and even feed himself from a baby bottle. – Suzanne Mitchell. I have tried to discover more about Puzzums, without success. If you can add to the page, I’d be very pleased. Simply write a comment.

There is a useful comment below 👍. My thanks.
Some more celebrity cats are also below.
Thanks for the info. Appreciated.
Puzzums died in 1934 from a tooth infection. There is a small article about him in the February People maghazine. Nadine and Katherine Dennis hand fed and trained him as a kitten.
Agreed about tricks. There is an innocence about the era which you don’t find today. Too complicated and too fast today with the internet.
Puzzums was an intelligent cat. I do not really agree with cats performing tricks, but then again it does serve as a form of mental stimulation for the feline brain. This is a cool picture. I love the era of 1930’s and 1940’s. 🙂