
by Unreliable Narrator
(Santa Fe, NM)



Pyewacket is obviously a Tiffany/Chantilly, though she's a found kitty without pedigree.

She wandered into my parents' barn and had her kittens there, where they found her purring among haybales a few weeks later.

It was immediately apparent that she thought she should be a house cat (and maybe had been?), so they gave her to me.

She's been my princess ever since. She has many Tiffany attributes, like following me around the house chirping, her coat turning brown along the flanks when it gets long, not really needed too much grooming, and hating to be alone.

I'm glad to know what she is, so thank you for this site! :o)

Unreliable Narrator

Pyewacket to Tiffany cat

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Nov 25, 2010
Hello to our barn girl!
by: Sara

I'm delighted to see a picture of pretty Pye! She was always such a sweet-natured girl, and took good care of her babies (even the little rat that would sneak into the hay to suckle with the kittens 🙂 I frankly can't imagine anyone tossing out a cat of such intelligence and beauty but we were lucky to find her, and I'm so glad she adopted you. May you have many happy years together.

Jun 19, 2010
A lovely girl
by: Tracey (England)

She really is a lovely girl, what were her kittens like? Do you have any photos's?

I've got to ask; why do you call yourself unreliable narrator?


Jun 19, 2010
A beautiful semi-longhair
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

Hi 'Unreliable Narrator'. The characteristics you mention are not conclusive, so what I see is a beautiful semi-longhair mixed-breed. Most cats actually are mixed-breed and in no way lesser cats for that. You can read more about in this article
But I love her name and the fact that this cat has chosen you as her human must be a great award. 🙂

Finn Frode avatar

Jun 18, 2010
by: Michael

Hi unreliable narrator! If you have some more pictures I would like to see them. Just email me.

Thanks for sharing.

Michael Avatar

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