Quilts Featuring Cats

There is a thriving community of quilters and they are active online. A website called 24 Blocks – I suppose that means 24 squares that make up the entire quilt – notified me of their caterday. This is a day featuring cat quilts.

I would like one of these. I photographed Charles on my quilt doing what he does best – sleeping but it is not a cat quilt, sadly. It looks dull by comparison.


Caterday Quilt
By Linda Jackson
Cat quilts
By Terry Snyder. This is Phoebe helping out.


Quilt featuring a black cat
By Judith Gale



By Darla Altman

Sorry, I have lost the credits for some of these. Please advise.

5 thoughts on “Quilts Featuring Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. ‘Lovely indeed the mimic works of art, but Nature’s works far lovelier’
    and yes those quilts are beautiful, but to me Charlie innocently sleeping on that quilt is the most beautiful of them all 🙂

  3. These are lovely, there’s a lot of work gone into them for sure, wouldn’t do in our house for two reasons, one is we would explode with heat as our house is always really warm upstairs at night and we have summer duvets on all the year round and are still mafted, and two they would get black hairs stuck on from the boy and I’m sure they aren’t very washable. But they really are gorgeous, I’ve read about such quilts (eiderdowns?) being family heirlooms.

  4. My mom makes awesome quilts, but she’s never made a cat quilt. I’ll have to show these to her.

  5. I’ve always loved American quilts there’s nothing like them is there? I used to have quite a few but no room for them so I had to reduce. I love the picture of Charlie on your bed. I really think the quilts are great they tell a story don’t they? Beautiful

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