It appears that Quora deems picture of cat lying on back with legs splayed offensive. This is extraordinary as far as I am concerned. If my assessment is correct, it is another example of political correctness and wokeness gone horribly wrong.
Take a look at the picture below from Quora and ask yourself if it is offensive. Of course not. There are millions of pictures like it on the internet. But Quora has blurred the image because – and this is the only possible reason – the administrators decided that it was offensive and should be blurred to allow visitors to deblur the image at their will.

Why else would it be blurred? But if my assessment is correct this is madness. It is a reflection on the fact that society no longer quite knows what to do on matters concerning society’s norms and standards.
The norms of society – what is expected of us in terms of etiquette and behaviour – have been torn up by aggressive political correctness and the woke movement which has carried through to many aspects of life.
It seems we have to publish images on Quora that are completely bland and inoffensive. The images and words should be acceptable to 12-years-olds.
I just don’t get it. It would be nice if a bit of pragmatism and common sense returned. I see that there is pushback on the matter of binary gender and non-binary gender and it seems that women and men who are gender-critical feminists (believe that sex is biological and immutable) are now not shouted down quite so vociferously by the transgender community.
JK Rowling is a gender-critical celebrity who makes her opinion known on social media, mainly Twitter/X and she is being attacked less often it seems to me by transgender supporters who branded her transphobic. She has gained the upperhand. That said I am sensitive to the feelings of the transgender community. Their voice needs to be heard but they should allow others their voice too.
This is not directly about cats but our attitudes and behaviours are often indirectly about cats as they live in the human world.
RELATED: JK Rowling says that Scarlet Blake the cat-killing trans murderer isn’t a woman.
Well, I disagree with you Tamara. This is about PC behaviour. Not offending the snowflakes. That is linked to sexual content. But this is not sexual content and it is normal cat behaviour.
Blurring the cats picture has nothing to do with political correctness or woke. I has everything to do with people with dirty minds, that see sexual content around every corner. I would say the same people that blurred the cat picture also bans books and book banners are not woke.