Rabies vaccination: the law in conflict with veterinarian’s hippocratic oath

Feb 22nd 2017, Dr John Michael Robb DVM, at what appears to be a local government meeting, is presenting with passion and genuine concern the arguments against the current obligatory rabies vaccination protocols in the USA.

He is saying, in so many words, that the protocol is dangerous and the law on rabies vaccinations in the USA is in conflict with his hippocratic oath because the vaccination protocol can harm pets and even kill them. Shockingly the audience is disinterested. Apparently they do not have the same concern for animal welfare as Dr Robb.

Dr Robb is seeking change. He is forced under the law concerning rabies vaccinations to jeopardise the health of pets. As an excellent veterinarian he strongly objects to being placed in this dilemma. The video explains it all far better than I can in words…

There are technically no rules as to how many times you can vaccinate pets for the same disease.

“Over-vaccinating and the overdosing of pet vaccines has become a global issue. 5 lbs dogs are receiving the same dose of the rabies vaccine as 150 lbs Great Danes, and vets are now witnessing terrible side effects.” (Facebook post).

Dr Robb mentions titer testing in his presentation in the video. I have a short post on that:

Titers tell you if your cat needs a vaccination

M.E. King, a valued contributor to PoC says:

“Wonderful man. I spoke to him on the phone about what happened to Kitten last year. He not only answered my emails he gave me his phone number and talked to me. Hopefully we’ll all soon have a cost effective way to know if our pets need to be vaccinated.”

I trust her assessment. Dr Robb should be listened to. He is an excellent vet with high ethical standards. The profession needs people like him to represent American veterinarians.

See Dr Robb’s FB page:

23 thoughts on “Rabies vaccination: the law in conflict with veterinarian’s hippocratic oath”

  1. If there is some connection to humans and pancreatic with flu vaccines there is no reason to assume that ISS are the worst thing that any vaccination can cause our cats.
    As our pets live longer the cumulative effects of diet, exercise , weight and medications and vaccines start to play a more important role in their well being.
    Probably fewer in the dog owners but with cats you will hear over and over I never vaccinated my cat for and they lived to be 20 years old. Not advocating negligent behavior but pet owners are starting to question medical decisions for their pets based on law not science.

  2. Yes, I have. I feel that I have to publish some of what he says in the interests of transparency, honesty and fairness. If I delete or ban trolls 100% then they will argue that I am presenting a one-sided discussion and that I am pushing an agenda. I do therefore give them a bit of airtime and then when they go too far I ban them and delete further attempts to comment,

  3. A great number of veterinarians still don’t follow recommended protocols.
    Notice I said safer vaccines not safe.
    The core issue now is the insane need for pet owners to drag their animals everywhere and expose them to everything and be negligent in even getting the initial core vaccines. Pets kept in their own yards/homes are almost zero risk for rabies until we try and go for a walk on a public path and are assaulted right and left by dogs running loose despite leash laws along with the contaminated feces they deposit on the train and where wildlife comes in contact. I know for a fact my demented SIL does not S/N and does not vaccinate which means her cats that eat vermin infested with parasites and disease are crapping in my driveway making it likely for one of us to accidently track something in. If I threw the contents of my cats litter box in the middle of the road or my neighbors front yard or carried a bag of it up to the nearest picnic area and dumped in on the table, seats and surrounding area I’d get a fine before I got back to the car. The 1 and the 3 year rabies are exactly the same. There is no reason to be vaccinating any dog or cat more than once every 3 years yet many vets still do.
    Companies that make the vaccines have played fast and loose in how they classify what is an adverse event. Almost all evidence for the long term side effects is anecdotal because if pet owners realized how they are not only over vaccination but being ripped off while doing it there would be an even bigger backlash over this. Even worse and this was without Dr. Robb pet owners are spreading the word when a dog or cat gets sick or dies right after a vaccination. So by refusing to address this now there are going to be MORE unvaccinated pets.

  4. There is no evidence that illnesses people attribute to vaccines are actually caused by vaccinations. Why are you so sure about your pets? Now, I do agree that pets are given vaccinations way too often which is why I plan to stop FVRCP now that my cats had their kitten series and one year booster, and as they are indoor-only, the only other vaccine they get is Purevax Rabies, but I am not taking my chances on Rabies. Really, if you are so concerned about adjuvants, why don’t you get Purevax? It has no adjuvants.

    As to FISS – maybe some vets failed to mention it, but the scientific community have never denied it. In fact, I read about it over 20 years ago, even before internet when we still used usenet newsgroups, VAS, as it was then called, was discussed. VAS was first recognized in 1991 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine-associated_sarcoma, and Vaccine-Associated Sarcoma task force was created in 1996. Sure, some vets may not have followed the recommendations of less frequent vaccinations in cats, but my vet did even when my previous cat was still a kitten, almost 20 years ago.

    Again, FISS in cats can be caused by any injection, not just vaccination. Sure, there is more inflammation after adjuvanted vaccines – the whole purpose of aluminium adjuvant in cat’s old Rabies vaccine to cause stronger reaction and hence more immunity with killed vaccine, but there are cases of FISS after non-adjuvanted recombinant vaccine (Purevax) as well, and it’s not even certain that the rate is fewer. There are cases of FISS after long-acting antibiotics and steroids. There are a couple of cases after microchips.

    There is no medical intervention that has no risk, in fact, anything in life has risks. Antibiotics I am now taking for early Lyme disease have risks. But the risk is minuscule compared to risk of the diseases. Yes, I’d love to vaccinate my cat less often. But in the absence of studies that prove longer term immunity for a disease like Rabies, and given that titers aren’t reliable in cats, how can the local governments take a risk?

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