‘Ragamoli cat’ – a cross between a Ragdoll and a Somali

I have just bumped into this exceedingly rare (unique?) cat. I don’t know if this is a one-off cat; there are actually 2! This ‘male neuter’ was photographed by Helmi Flick in the summer of 2017. Helmi’s husband, Ken, liked the cat so much he asked if the breeder if she had created anymore! The full story is below in Helmi’s words:

Ragamoli cat
Ragamoli cat. Photo copyright Helmi Flick

“Jumping Jack Flash, a “Ragamoli” (cross between a Ragdoll and a Somali) male neuter, was the cat we photographed that Ken was so impressed with, he asked Anne Paul if she ever made another one like Jack, we wanted him! Lo and Behold, Xander was born that very morning (February 14) and we are tickled to death to have him as one of our companions.

Thanks to Jenny Pierce for bringing Jack to us to photograph at that Waco cat show in February of 2016! And thanks to Anne Paul for the Oops Litter that produced our Alec Xander the Greeter! Xander and Jack are in the Household Pet category in CFA and TICA.”

Having read what Helmi says I note that this is not a recognised breed but by cat association standards a moggie. But what a moggie! This cat is a hybrid being a cross between two cat breeds. There are many hybrid cats.

The Ragamoli has a more stocky appearance compared to the Somali. The coat looks very dense and luxurious. The Somali is a long-haired Abyssinian. The Ragdoll as you probably know is marketed as the most laid back cat in the cat world. It is one of those rare cat breeds which is bred for character as well as appearance. Usually appearance is by far the most important objective.

I wonder if the Ragamoli has some of the calm characteristics of the Ragdoll or are the stories about the Ragdoll’s personality a myth?

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