Raging Male Buffalo Rescues Calf and Mother From Attacking Lionesses

The pictures are stunning and sad. They are by Wim Van der Heever. Awesome work. The lionesses attacked a female buffalo and her calf. She was outnumbered by the lions and the outcome looked poor. A raging male buffalo stepped in to save her and the calf.

Lioness killed by male buffalo1
Lioness killed by male buffalo
Lioness killed by male buffalo
Lioness killed by male buffalo

Wim, 43, said:

“The bull came and chased the female lions off the mother buffalo, trying to injure them….Luckily they escaped, but while he chases them he sees the injured female lion and really finishes her off, by mauling her and pushing her into the mud. I’ve never witnessed anything like this.”

The lioness staggered from the mud and died two days later of her injuries. This is the law of nature. Lions do take potentially life-threatening risks when hunting. It is not one way traffic – not always a foregone conclusion.

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