Rascal my second cat I lost but I know where he is!!!

Rascal my second cat I lost but I know where he is!!!


Hi everyone...I have some great news remember when my second cat Rascal ran away and never returned to me; its been a couple of years ago when i lost him.

I even remember the date he ran away from me, June 3rd but I just currently found out from a neighbor, the same neighbor that helped me try to find Rascal, the same neighbor told me that he is still hanging around this area.

Yet my neighbor is trying to catch him but my neighbor thinks he is just too wild since he is living in the wild but at least I know that Rascal is still in this area and close to home too.

And it is so great to know that he is still alive. That news has really given me a lot more hope to just know he is still alive and around this area near home.

I have never seen Rascal only my neighbor has. Oh what I would give to see Rascal again at least one question I had for such a long time is answered. At least I will always love Rascal and I never stopped loving him either.

I love my first cat hugs, rascal and Mio and I will never forget them never they are such a big part of me even the ones whom are in heaven are still smiling down from heaven on earth smiling at me all the time and the ones who are lost and never returned are never forgotten they are more missed then they know.

And my love for them all will be forever true no matter what happens. My pets mean the entire world to me. Always remember the pets whom passed on are still with you always but they are just in a different form of presence in your heart and in your soul too.


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Rascal my second cat I lost but I know where he is!!!

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Dec 03, 2011 question to your answer
by: darlene burrow

hi there no i haven't moved yet i will be moving out by april 1st so i still have some time i would love to have rascal back home with me god knows i am still struggling yet with the loss of rascal but god gave me more peace and hope for rascal which i am so overwhelmed that rascal is still in this area around home i know my neighbor has been trying to get him but he won't get close enough to her i think he remembers her on the day my neighbor dad, and i were searching for him the day i lost him do you think that if someone catches him and gives rascal back to me that he would be happy living indoors again or wouldn't he like it anymore because he was wild for a couple of years now

Dec 02, 2011 Great News
by: Michael

Hi Darlene. I am pleased to hear from you. You have a great love for your cats that is beautiful.

I am pleased to hear that Rascal is in the area and apparently doing OK.

Is there any chance of getting him back? Perhaps you can't have him back now as things have changed.

I forget, have you moved yet? You know he may return to the house when he is old to come in from the cold.

My late mother had a cat who left for the wild and returned in old age with arthritis to become an indoor cat

Take care Darlene.

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