Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Cats

Raw apple cider vinegar

Raw apple cider vinegar

Good morning readers. I'd like to tell you about my experience using raw apple cider vinegar on my cats. This differs from white vinegar or the regular apple cider vinegar offered for sale in the grocery store. You'll know you have the real thing by checking for two things. First the label will include the word "raw" and second, there will be a sediment at the bottom of the bottle. This is referred to as "the mother."

I had a great great aunt who took apple cider vinegar on a daily basis. She was always bursting with energy and never had a weight problem. I won't lie to you and tell you the taste is yummy because it's NOT. The only way I can take it is to take a swallow from the bottle and drink half a glass of tea or juice to get rid of the aftertaste. YUCK!

I purchased a few bottles of raw apple cider vinegar last year, so I had it on hand when I found an injured feral kitten. He had a few really bad sores and I had to take him to the vet. Antibiotics didn't help in the beginning so I made a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and pre-boiled water. I would take a dropper full twice a day and squirt it in his mouth. He didn't seem to mind the taste.

I'd read to add it to the cats drinking water, but my cats didn't like the taste. They refused to drink any water and the vinegar idea in the water bowl was tossed aside.

I also mixed some of the raw vinegar with water in a spray bottle. I used this to spray on my cats to deter fleas. I'd read fleas don't like the smell or the taste and honestly I don't blame them. I will say the smell doesn't take long getting used to. I noticed my cats didn't run away from me when I sprayed their coats with the vinegar mixture (again a 50/50 mix). This was strange because any time I'd go after them with the veterinary flea spray they'd turn tail and run.

They also got the added benefit of the vinegar when they licked some of it off their coat. Therefore, it was all right to over spray them because there are no harmful side effects. I always worried about my pets licking the poisonous chemicals found in commercial sprays.

This spray mixture made my cats coat soft and silky. I've heard it also treats most skin conditions such as dermatitis and eczema.

As it turns out, raw apple cider vinegar is packed with health benefits. For more on these, the Bragg site (the #1 maker of raw vinegar) has a detailed list at Organic Apple Cider Vinegar for Pets (opens in new window or tab).

For centuries vinegar has been used to fight infection, aid digestion, reduce the inflammation of arthritis and to restore the body's pH to alkaline. It's an excellent remedy for heartburn in animals and humans. Because of it's pH regulating ability it makes an excellent treatment for any kind of urinary condition in animals. It helps prevent both kidney and bladder infections.

My daughter uses a small amount when cooking green beans. It adds flavor and after dinner my cats fight to see who gets to lick the vinegar out of the pan. Apparently they like the taste as long as it's not in their water bowl.

Raw vinegar can be used full strength to aid inflammation from a minor injury. Simply soak a cloth or bandage and apply plastic over it once it's wrapped around the inflamed area. I have also found full strength raw vinegar will almost immediately take the itch out of a mosquito bit or bee sting.

For animals with arthritis it breaks down calcium deposits and re-mineralizes the bones. It also aids in reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose levels. I've heard it used to treat urinary problems more than any other condition.

It is one of the only natural foods that is full of vitamins, enzymes and trace minerals. It is both an anti-biotic and anti-septic. I've never read anything bad about it. In my opinion, it's one bottle everyone needs to keep on hand.

I order mine through discount vitamin companies as the cost is cheaper. Most health food stores also carry it.

Please feel free to share any experience you've had using raw apple cider vinegar. I never allow myself to run out and always keep a bottle in my pantry. It doesn't replace regular veterinary care or emergency medicine, but it does make a good supplement for cats and humans.


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Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Cats

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Apr 03, 2012
My cat had upper respiratory infection NEW
by: Cats Meow

My poor cat Leo had a really bad upper respiratory infection with green mucus coming out of his nose and his breathing was labored. He looked and sounded awful and I was so worried about him. I didn't have the money to take him to the vet. So I looked up on the internet about home remedies for cats with upper respiratory infections and it suggested Apple Cider Vinegar. I was so happy when I read that because, I always have a bottle of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in my refrigerator which I take for my own health! I immediately gave Leo some acv in a dropper and the mucus came out of him like an explosion! I gave him a nice bath and kept him nice and warm and he slept soundly. I treated him daily with the dropper till the infection was gone and now he is back to his loveable handsome cat self. Thank God for Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar!

Apr 03, 2012
My cat had upper respiratory infection NEW
by: Cats Meow

My poor cat Leo had a really bad upper respiratory infection with green mucus coming out of his nose and his breathing was labored. He looked and sounded awful and I was so worried about him. I didn't have the money to take him to the vet. So I looked up on the internet about home remedies for cats with upper respiratory infections and it suggested Apple Cider Vinegar. I was so happy when I read that because, I always have a bottle of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar in my refrigerator which I take for my own health! I immediately gave Leo some acv in a dropper and the mucus came out of him like an explosion! I gave him a nice bath and kept him nice and warm and he slept soundly. I treated him daily with the dropper till the infection was gone and now he is back to his loveable handsome cat self. Thank God for Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar!

Oct 04, 2011
kidney stones
by: Anonymous

For humans, Braggs natural acv

will help prevent kidney stones!

If you have stones it will help

desolve them!


Mar 20, 2011
Great use
by: Elisa

We've been treating eyes with chamomile tea with honey melted in it. Just bathe the eyes with that. I stay away from the vet as much as possible. Only go if I have something I can't deal with.

Mar 20, 2011
It Cures Conjuctivitis In Dogs & Cats Too!
by: Kelly

I read online that organic apple cider vinegar is great for curing conjunctivitis in dogs and cats. One of my cats had this problem, and since I could not afford to take him to the vet, I was willing to give ACV a try. Clean the animal's eyes first with a good eye wash, then soak a cotton ball in organic ACV and rub it on the back of your pet's neck. You should start to see results within the day. If needed later, apply more. Your pet's eyes should clear up quickly. I used this remedy on my cat (a beautiful brown and white tabby named Beau) and his eyes cleared up the very next day. I keep a bottle of organic ACV on hand for whenever problems like this arise. It saved Beau's eyesight, and saved me from having to take him to the vet and pay a bundle of money for antibiotics.

Aug 28, 2010
Very informative
by: Leah

Thanks Elisa

I've googled it too and the amount of uses are unvbelievable!

I'll be getting some!

Aug 24, 2010
by: Debra Rosier

Thanks again for some really good informative ideas. I have heard of a lot of medicinal uses for vinegar. I know it is supposed to lower blood pressure, also. The vinegar flea spray sounds like a really good idea.

Aug 24, 2010
Make sure its "raw"
by: Elisa Black-Taylor

Processed apple vinegar doesn't have the enzymes and minerals that are present in the raw form. There was a man in the states many years ago who sold "Jogging in a Jug." It was a mixture of grape juice, apple juice and raw apple cider vinegar mixed together. His sold for $20 a gallon, but you can make it for about $5 a gallon for human consumption.

You shouldn't have any trouble finding it. Any nutrition store should carry it. I order mine thru vitamin companies when I make an order.

Don't expect to like the taste. My cats enjoy a little of it poured over English sweet peas.

Aug 24, 2010
Prefer natural
by: Michael

I too prefer the more natural route rather than drugs if they can be avoided. I have never heard of raw apple cider, never mind its beneficial effects on cats and humans. I'll see if I can get some in the UK. Thanks Elisa for that home grown American tip.

Michael Avatar

Aug 24, 2010
Hodges, SC
by: Joyce Sammons

It's the best heartburn medicine I've ever tried. You'd think it would make heartburn worse but it practically gets rid of it in a few days.

Aug 24, 2010
Yay for holistic remedies!
by: Kathleen

Thanks for this article. I value holistic medicine very highly and this is good to know about.

13 thoughts on “Raw Apple Cider Vinegar and Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Thanks d.p. Apple cider vinegar is acetic acid so I don’t understand how it can do some of the things that it is claimed to do. But it certainly does have some useful medicinal properties.

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