Real Virtual Pet For People Who Want To Declaw

Real Virtual Pet For People Who Want To Declaw

by Michael
(London, UK)

This is the perfect alternative for people who want to keep a cat or dog companion but don’t want the hair on the bed, the cat litter dragged onto the floor, the occasional scratch on the furniture, the mess, blah, blah… In short this is the perfect, sanitized, no hassle, almost zero maintenance companion dog and/or cat.

Just think, you don’t have to get your cat declawed.

You can play with him or her, you can feed him and stroke him. There are no vet’s bills and there is no responsibilities. This is fun for children but I expect adults to get involved too. I genuinely recommend this website.

The people who devised the website believe that a person can have a equally good bond with a virtual pet.

Well, I guess you’ll have to try it out to see for yourself.

This is the page.

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Real Virtual Pet For People Who Want To Declaw

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Jul 27, 2011 Beats the Alternative
by: Gail (Boston, USA)

As sad as this may be, it sure beats abusing pets!

Our shelter just emailed us the updated version of the “ADOPTION ALERT! DO NOT ADOPT!” list, which is circulated quarterly. At last count, there were 1,317 names on it! Can you imagine? It includes people from other area shelters too, but still…1,317 names… Wow.

Jul 27, 2011 Virtual pets
by: Ruth

I see it’s aimed at children really but it’s ideal for lazy people who can’t be bothered to look after a real live animal, or as you say Michael who don’t like a mess or who want cats without claws.
It could be very good in educating children and if it saves some real live kittens and puppies from being mistreated through the ignorance of parents who don’t teach their children to respect animals, then it’s all to the good.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Jul 27, 2011 Lost for words really….
by: Barbara

What is the world coming to? Though when you think about it virtual pets are all that some people deserve and just about all they are fit to “care for”, it’s true that they won’t need to have toe ends amputated, ears lopped, tails docked etc to make their “pets” acceptable, but oh what a sad substitute for a warm, cuddly, understanding, non-judgemental, smelly, pesky, selfish, greedy, loving, real live cat or dog.

Barbara avatar

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