Reasons Why Russian Blue Cat “Kush” Went Berserk

My thanks to Jackie Brooks who left a comment on the original page about the Russian Blue cat, Kush, who supposedly went berserk for no apparent reason. It was so bad the owner, Mr Gregory, called 911 which landed her cat at the local shelter being tested for rabies. Makes me cringe.

The video provides us with the answers, I believe — Caveat: I’d be cautious about what Mr & Mrs Gregory say in the interview because I don’t find them believable but if what they say about the circumstances are true then it would explain the aggressive behavior of this poor cat. The cat’s owners provide the reasons why their Russian Blue cat went berserk so why did they call the police? Why didn’t they react more sensibly? Seeking publicity? Got the idea from Lux?

Jackie’s comment:

And the plot thickens! Not sure if posting links is okay but I just looked up the story and found this interview with the Gregory’s. Mr. Gregory said that the day before this happened it was July 4th and fireworks were going off in the neighborhood, the day it happened there was a thunder and lightening storm, AND on top of all of that Kush had just gone into heat!!! Wow. Words fail me. There is so many things wrong with this story it’s hard to know where to start!

Some extracts:

“She’s biting me, biting me and clawing me all at the same time and like, hissing,” Teresa said. “So he grabbed her.”

“The cat bit, and it clawed, and I could get the cat a little ways away, and it would run right back and just jump me and claw, and scratch me and bite,” James said.

The list of reasons:

  • Fireworks
  • In heat! Why is she not neutered?
  • Trod on tail
  • Locked in room
  • Grabbed cat — Panic situation – commotion – which exacerbates things

Note: I have been cheeky in preparing the video. It has been copied. If someone dislikes that please leave a comment and I will respond promptly.

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