Receive $300 when you adopt this cat (Vincent)

You’ll receive $300 (USD) as a gift if and when you adopt this declawed cat whose name is Vincent. Update: please see comments. The amount is now $600!

You should live within 300 miles of New Orleans, LA as he is in a shelter in New Orleans and they will make no adoption fee and provide free transport to you if you are within 300 miles of the shelter. This is Vincent’s current full address:

Zeus’ Place, 4601 Freret Street
New Orleans, LA 70115


Meet Vincent, the untouchable.

Ideally, you should adopt Vincent’s best buddy, Lori at the same time but the main objective is to find a home for Vincent. He has been declawed and had a tough life and is a bit scared and so is defensive in nature (we are told), although I have never met him. I am absolutely sure that he will make a fine cat companion provided you are a fine human companion to cats!

Vincent is an orange tabby. Orange tabbies have a good reputation as being solid, balanced cats. See for example Fredu.

You’ll probably need some cat behavior knowledge and the ability to deliver it patiently. This website will always provide assistance. All you have to do is ask in a comment and you’ll receive a prompt answer by knowledgeable people.

It is essential that you are trustworthy. Why? Because PoC is funding this and I have to make sure that Vincent is well treated and that the money is properly spent and goes towards his welfare. Ideally, you’ll have a good track record of keeping cats but it is not essential.

There are some conditions attached to the $300 gift. I have to set some conditions to protect Vincent….Sorry if that sounds a bit tough but we live in that kind of world.

  1. The money will be paid at the rate of $30 per month for ten months. The preferable way to transfer the payment is through PayPal. So..
  2. You will need a PayPal account or please make a suggestion.
  3. Vincent’s caretaker/guardian must provide a date stamped photo of Vincent once per month, at the caretaker’s home. The photo should illustrate a comment on this page made once per month. The comment should update readers as to Vincent progress. You can download smartphone apps that date stamp photos so this requirement should be very workable.

That is it. Not much to ask really. Money for old rope. Please leave a comment if you are interested in adopting Vincent and receiving a gift of $300 (USD).

41 thoughts on “Receive $300 when you adopt this cat (Vincent)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. That’s wonderful. I’m relieved to know that they aren’t just a number to them.
    This shelter is unique, indeed.

  3. The Shelter owner takes Vincent and Torti home sometimes Dee, but they would be happy for them to have a permanent forever home together.

  4. I guess I’m confused or have missed something important.
    They have an owner. Or, do you mean the shelter owner?

  5. By the way- the expression on Vincent’s face on the website is the way he looks all the time. I asked the shelter manager if he was related to “Grumpy”. They will try to get a better photo posted, but that was the most photogenic one they have been able to get so far.

    Vincent may be somewhat camera shy.. but his facial expression is how he always looked since he was adopted. The shelter is also interested in exploring the possibility that Vincent’s paws may be sore as a result of his being declawed. While he runs and plays and has no apparent difficulty walking, we talked about how cats hide their pain, so they are open to having his paws evaluated. I sent them the link to Dr. Ron Gaskin’s declaw repair page to share with their vet IF the vet thinks that his paws may be hurting him.

    Will update when I hear anything further.

  6. It’s good to hear that news from the Shelter which is obviously a first class one and they obviously care deeply about the cats.
    Yes Vincent and Torti need a loving forever home together, it will be heartbreaking for the people there who love the cats, to part with them, but I expect they would be very happy to have them rehomed and free up space for two more cats in need.

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