These are photos of cats taken at a veterinary hospital on the morning following declaw surgeries.
The small photos are thumbnails. Please click on them for larger images and captions.
In the second picture, particularly, it is clear from the cat's fearful posture that the cat is suffering badly.
The calico in the bloody cage was declawed because her owner's condo required it, and even though she had seen her older cat go through this and didn't want to do it, she chose to do it anyway rather than adopting an already declawed cat.
Associated Pages:
Pain Management for Declawed Cats
The Agonising Pain Suffered by Declawed Cats
Note: When commenting please protect the author's identity and work place
I don’t see how someone could love an unfeeling piece of stupid furniture over the health and well being of a living being. Tamara should have bought an aquarium with fish instead of cats. She dosen’t love her cats at all–certainly not as much as her stupid furniture, selfishly taking away her cats’ claws and bones. Maybe her cats are sort of OK for now, but what about years down the road? I have leather furniture–cats don’t bother it at all. Our cats have an outdoor run with real logs for them to strop their claws on for the exercise they require, and they get their nails trimmed by me every 2 weeks or so. Tamara is also just lazy, and didn’t want to take 5 minutes of her precious time to trim her cats’ nails.
Thank you for commenting, Diane. I completely agree with your course. It is barbaric. It is completely unethical. It is shocking to me that almost all the veterinarians in America declaw cats against their oath and the ethics of their profession because it is invariably done for nontherapeutic reasons. It is bizarre that this practice carries on and is deemed legal when actually it is the brutal mutilation of innocent animals.
WHY de claw your cat. So you have kids that rip things to shreds you DON’T declaw them. I’ve got five kids that are the best in the world, MY cats have been TAUGHT NOT to scratch furniture and people.
PS the kids were taught the same principle.
PPS all my kids are lefties as are my cats, but I never taught them to be lefties.