These are photos of cats taken at a veterinary hospital on the morning following declaw surgeries.
The small photos are thumbnails. Please click on them for larger images and captions.
In the second picture, particularly, it is clear from the cat's fearful posture that the cat is suffering badly.
The calico in the bloody cage was declawed because her owner's condo required it, and even though she had seen her older cat go through this and didn't want to do it, she chose to do it anyway rather than adopting an already declawed cat.
Associated Pages:
Pain Management for Declawed Cats
The Agonising Pain Suffered by Declawed Cats
Note: When commenting please protect the author's identity and work place
A typically ignorant reply from someone who thinks cats should be grateful for a home despite having to pay the huge price of their toe ends.You probably deliver your cats for surgery, go home and pick them up the next day thinking they’ve had a kitty manicure, well the reality is grim, painful, bloody and cruel so wake up and do some research into what it is you’ve inflicted on your cats.
You are wrong because it is immoral and unethical to declaw. No matter how much you want to justify it you can’t get around the unethical nature of the whole grizzly process. Please wake up to the reality.
Why can’t you believe the pictures with all the blood Tamara?That’s what happens at declawing,you can’t amputate living joints without them bleeding.
But maybe your vet burns them off instead,less bleeding but no less consequences from the amputations,the cat no less disabled.
Indoor cats need their claws too,I can’t see why you reckon a warm home and good food and sleeping on your bed is such a big deal,it’s the least they deserve after what you have done to them.
It’s no good coming here trying to justify this cruelty, you need to spend some time instead educating yourself to reality.
BTW there are TWO cats in those pictures above, two cats mutilated and in agony for the convenience of their ‘owner’ and if you’d like to see exactly what you had done to your cats see this page, maybe it will convince you:
Tamara you are typical of the ignorance about declawing and you seem to think cats should be glad to have their toe ends amputated for the privelege of having a home.
Did you stay with all your cats when you took them in for this major surgery? Did you see their fear at waking up with painful paws, did you see the bloody cages? No of course you didn’t as when you collected your cats they had been cleaned up and were over the first shock and adjusting to life as cripples, because they had no choice.
Your oh so casual statement about having your latest kiten neutered and declawed says it all. Why did you have Charlie declawed? Don’t you know declawing is a last resort for serious scratching behaviour and not a routine operation to prevent cats doing what they need to do? Scratching is not bad behaviour, it’s necessary behaviour to a cat, to stay healthy, to keep their muscles strong. You say none of your cats had problems. Are you sure? Do you know cats suffer in silence and that as your declawed cats aged they probably suffered painful arthritis? Were their old age issues arthritis?
Now you’ve condemned yet another poor kitten to a lifetime of potential problems from having had his last toe joints amputated! Have you not heard of scratching posts? Don’t you know that declawing is banned in 39 countries as animal abuse?
Maybe your cats did/do have a nice home to live in but the price they paid was far too high and if you truly did love them you would never have put them through the most painful surgery a cat can endure, you should be thankful they don’t know it was you who paid a vet to do that to them!
Cats come with claws because they need claws, the sooner the cruel operation called declawing is banned worldwide, the better.
I can’t believe the pictures with all the blood. For who’s benefit was that and who butchered that poor cat? I have had five cats declawed and just recently my new kitten Charlie has been neutered and declawed. There never has been such a blood bath for any of them. I took really good care of all my cats when they were declawed and not one of them had any kind of issues after wards. No litter box problems, no extra biting, no limb problems. They all were okay but sadly three got old and had old age issues and now are in kitty heaven. All my cats always will be indoor cats who have a nice warm home, sleep on my bed and eat the best of cat food. The one and only thing I don’t like them to do is get onto my counter but they still push the bounders there too. I loved all of my cats with all my heart. Better declaw and have a nice home to live in than be banished to the out doors and have a slim chance of survival or the SPCA to live out the rest of their lives or be euthanized due to nobody wanting them.