Reclining Feral Kitty
It doesn't get better for a feral cat - sun, shade, nice temperature
A friend that frequents this site suggested that I post this photo that was taken approximately five years ago.
It’s of a feral cat that inhabited several back yards along a small canyon in the San Diego area.
At the residence where the picture was taken the owners would put out food, and treats for the cat, thus it was especially comfortable in this particular backyard, where it would often take cat naps on the shade cloth of one of the cymbidium orchid houses.
While working in the area, I spotted the cat up there snoozing away, and having my camera on hand decided to take advantage of what seem an excellent picture taking opportunity.
The orange colored fruit in the background are persimmons hanging from a tree that grew over the shade structure, further providing a cozy spot for afternoon kitty napping.
Hi...who are you!...Nice picture of a very content feral cat. I must say, I think this feral cat has managed to get it right.
He or she is almost behaving as a domestic "time share" cat sharing the back yards of several homes in the immediate area.
And the weather in San Diego, year round is pretty well ideal feral cat conditions, nice and stable, not too cold or hot.
I wonder if you get more feral cats in San Diego than elsewhere for that reason?
Thanks for showing us a nice feral cat pic...Michael