Recognition For Outstanding UK Cat Rescuers?

Recognition of cat rescuers doing good work
Recognition of cat rescuers doing good work

Individuals who do outstanding work in the field of cat rescue in the UK should be better recognised. I think they should receive an award of some sort or at least be written about on the internet.

To me they are invisible. I know that Marion of Cats Protection is a wonderful fosterer of rescue cats. I know of one or two outstanding cat rescuers in the US and one or two more but that is more or less it.

I would like individuals who have worked tirelessly to help save the lives of cats and improve their welfare without any special reward, to be formally recognised.

These people don’t necessarily want to be put on a pedestal but I do feel that there should be more information on the internet about the almost anonymous individuals working in cat rescue.

Out there, there are some really fine people. They are “ordinary people” doing excellent work for cats. I really admire these invisible people. They are the best. I admire them far more than I admire the rich and famous and the celebrities.

I am focusing on cat rescue. I have found some awards for work with animals including rescue work but even those are not that high profile and the ones I discovered on the internet were in the US.

I don’t think you can simply search the internet for the names of the special individuals working in cat rescue. As I stated, they are almost invisible to internet surfers. Who are they?

They could be people who are in management at cat rescue centers and who inspire others to work better. Or it could be Mrs X in some small town somewhere who has saved the lives of countless cats over many years without a shred of recognition. That is the person I’d like to see held up as an example of how to do good in society. Do we know someone like that?

Many years ago I did the PoC Feral Cat Rescue Awards! This is different. I’d like to see some individuals singled out for praise. They deserve a pat on the back.

67 thoughts on “Recognition For Outstanding UK Cat Rescuers?”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. It’s good to see. Thanks Marion for the link. Marc is the mysterious Swiss man! As you say it would have been nice if the journalist had linked to my original post and Marc’s comments. In fact, the journalist could have left a comment and asked some questions, which would have made her article a bit richer and fuller. Anyway, I’m pleased.

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