Here’s some possibly fairly obvious tips in order to minmise with your allergy to cats if you have one.
A cat with fleas will scratch him/herself more often than a cat without fleas and therefore it makes sense to ensure that your cat has no fleas which would mean using carefully selected flea control products according to the instructions. Remember that flea control products can be dangerous if misused. Scratching throws dander carrying the allergen into the atmosphere.
It is inadvisable to let your cat into your bedroom because the cat’s dander will accumulate wherever he lies. This actually might be quite a difficult thing to do because your cat will no doubt want to be with you in the bedroom and vice versa quite possibly. So this would be a trade-off: upset cat versus less of an allergy.
There is an argument which says that if you are allergic to cats you should allow your cat outside. In other words your cat management should be along the lines of an indoor/outdoor cat. If your cat is allowed outside he will leave his dander outside so it won’t irritate you.
A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter will reduce dander in your carpets and on your soft furnishings and it won’t recycle the dander into the air.
Your cat should be neutered or spayed. Unneutered male cats produce more allergens than female cats. Neutering reduces sebum production.
Antigen production in your cat can be reduced if you get veterinary treatment as soon as possible for all your cat’s skin and mouth conditions.
The home should be well ventilated especially in the area where the litter tray is situated.
You probably know by now that an allergy to cats is due to the presence of the Fel D1 allergen on the cat. This is a protein which is present not only in the cat’s dander but also in their saliva. Therefore it is on the cat’s coat where it can fly off into the atmosphere in your home and settle on furnishings and carpets et cetera.
Dander is composed of skin cells and dried saliva carrying the Fel D1 allergen.