Reflections on Thanksgiving with my cat Koal

By Darlene

Intro by Michael: Apologies for this being a bit late. It is because I missed Darlene’s email!

Koal a black cat
Koal a black cat and companion to Darlene

Hello everyone, I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving this year.

This Thanksgiving I spent with my kitty Koal at home with Randy. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving spent together the first year home and Koal’s first Thanksgiving together was very special to me. It meant a lot that I spent it with the people I truly do love and care for. We had turkey and stuffing with potatoes with veggies and I made blue berry muffins. We had apple pie and pumpkin pie too; some wine also – it was wonderful. As we ate Koal always begs for food he lays right in between Randy and I and looks at us hoping and praying that someone drops something on the floor so he can have it but the funny part about all this is if we give Koal a plate to lick he actually covers it up. Every time he does this with his food and water bowls too. Is this normal for a kitten to do this all the time? I say its a cat’s instincts to do this but I am unsure.

Then on Nov. 30th I had gone by my cousin’s for a second Thanksgiving dinner. A lot of people showed up for that. I had fun playing with my cousin’s dog and two gorgeous cats too!

I’m very blessed for the blessings God has given to me specially Koal. He is such a sweet heart. I’m also blessed with Milo’s precious presence still near I still feel her presence a lot yet and I’m so thankful for that. Knowing Milo still is with me and never left my side. I’m soooo very blessed

Koal loves to hide under the bed when someone comes in and walks around the bed or even come close to it he sticks his adorable black paw out and tackles your feet playfully. It is so cute !!

Koal is a bundle of joy a bundle of love! A bundle of encouragement, a bundle of hope, a bundle of a meaningful relationship, a bundle of spice, a bundle of sugar, a bundle of cares, a bundle of a blessing that is all wrapped up in one!! I can’t thank God enough for the wonderful gift of Koal

Koal is my rock when I am weak. Koal is strong when I am not. Koal is the sunshine that lights my day when the rain pours down. Koal is the light that lights up the sky. Koal shines like the stars lost in the sky. He gives me the moon when its sometimes hard to find. He gives me the rainbow of true friendship and promise. He gives me the twinkle in my eyes to tell me everything is all right. He gives me so much. I am so very blessed

Thank you Lord for the everlasting love of Koal. Amen

Seek not what you don’t have but be blessed with what you do have. Amen

12 thoughts on “Reflections on Thanksgiving with my cat Koal”

  1. Yay for black cats! Black cats rule! I also am glad you adopted a black cat. Elisa did an article some time ago about black cats being naturally healthier and more resilient. It’s not myth, it appears to be some genetically linked traits inclining them to better health– like an added bonus for the cats with black fur.

  2. very true cats are very smart sometimes i think they out smart me at times lol i don’t know what i would do without a cat in my life

  3. Much of their behaviours are based on instinct. It seems that survival knowledge is hardwired into their DNA.

    They’re also pretty smart animals, capable of learning new things very quickly. Especially if it benefits them in some way.

  4. Until I looked after Gabriel I always had black or black and white cats. This was because they were the cats there, around me, who needed to be rescued. Black and white is quite a common coat type for a domestic cat as is black. Unfortunately, there is still quite a lot of superstition surrounding black cats. Humankind is still very suspicious and superstitious.

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