Reforming 1892 Animal Welfare Laws in Canada

by Chris H.
(Ontario, Canada)

Stop Animal Abuse Canada

Stop Animal Abuse Canada

Stop Animal Abuse Canada Canadian sow in gestation crate, factory farming, from Canadian pigs, poor animal welfare with factory farming, from Raising awareness of cat issues in Canada,

National effort by the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies: Stop Animal Abuse in Canada!

Please help spread the word about Reforming Animal Welfare Laws in Canada.

"Did you know that Canada’s federal animal cruelty law was originally enacted in 1892?

So much has changed in Canada since those times, mostly for the good. As a nation, however, we have failed in bringing progressive positive change to improve the welfare of animals."

Please see their site to find out what you can do!
Stop Animal Abuse

Canadians can fill out a form that emails a letter to the Justice Minister. The letter can automatically be sent to their Member of Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Justice Critic too. See Speak Up For Those That Cannot

"Write to the Justice Minister to ask him to make animal cruelty amendments part of the government’s “Tough on Crime” platform. Ask him why his government refuses to recognize the link between animal abuse and violence against humans.

Tell him we need better animal cruelty legislation to protect animals as well as people. Please copy your letter to your own Member of Parliament, the opposition party Justice Critics and the Prime Minister.

Please help! Tell your friends and family about our archaic and weak federal animal cruelty law and why so many animal abusers are not punished.

Year of the Cat 2011 in Canada, see

Thank you!

Chris H.

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Reforming 1892 Animal Welfare Laws in Canada

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Mar 28, 2011 Helping Animal Welfare in Canada
by: Anonymous

Many people are surprised that our animal welfare laws are so outdated. The best ways to help is to continue to raise awareness. I watched the videos by the RSPCA for improving animal welfare in the UK. This is a similar effort, though it would be better if they had similar videos.

Help reform Canada's Animal Welfare Laws

Actions for Canadians & non-Canadians. What you can do to help, see
(Printable petition asking for support of federal Bill C-229 is only good in Canada).

"Like" Facebook page, Advocates for the Advancement of Animal Welfare,

and see the notes there about how people can help. The government wants to make it illegal for animal charities to speak out against inhumane activities, saying a charity will lose its charitable status if its activities don't benefit humans. Deadline to reply to Canada Revenue Agency is March 31, 2011., by the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies (CFHS)

Mar 27, 2011 Just awful
by: Leah (England)

I think its awful that so called 1st world countries have such outdated animal welfare laws. I think its even worse that in this day and age that cats are still seen as 2nd class citizens when compared to dogs.

As Ruth has said please let us know if theres anything us non Canadians can do. Ruth has already done a lot by notifying the only Canandian she knows (good on you, Ruth) but I don't know anyone so please advise.

Thank you Chris
by: Ruth

That is all very interesting thank you Chris.
I didn't realise at first when I found out that declawing happens in the USA that it happens in your country too.
All we can do until it is made illegal is to keep on educating as many people as we can in both countries and there are more people now helping to do that than ever before.
It's good that Israel has banned it, I wish the USA and Canada would too.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Mar 25, 2011 Declawing in Canada
by: Chris H.

Yes, declawing is common! Veterinary position statements here basically mirror, and sometime quote, those of the AVMA.

If I know of someone who's had their cat declawed, I like to tell them that we had a cat declawed and our vet didn't tell us it was actually the amputation of the end of each toe. Then I ask them if their vet told them that beforehand. It would appear many vets still don't educate.

I know of several declawed cats that have been privately re-homed because they were either biting children or no longer got along with the other cats in the household. This could be a much larger problem that people realize.

I spoke to a local lady that lives in an apartment building who said management requires cat owners to declaw their cats.

Each Humane Society and provincial SPCA chooses what information to publish. Some are more progressive and aware than others. I don't have a survey, but it seems many animal rescue groups have a no-declawing clause, or a one-line statement against it. It's difficult to know if they're aware of the fact and all negative impacts of declawing. There is no national Canadian campaign concerned with that aspect of feline welfare that I'm aware of.

The Canadian Federation of Humane Societies has position statements about declawing cats and another about tail docking and ear cropping dogs. Their statements are very dog-centric, concerned more for the welfare of dogs than cats. Tail docking and ear cropping is found under "Companion Animal Issues", while "Scratching and Declawing" is just found under "Cats", which gives me the impression they don't even see it as an issue.

They say:
"Ear cropping has been banned in many countries..., and is illegal in Newfoundland and Labrador under the 1978 Animal Protection Act. It is also banned in... The vast majority are performed only for cosmetic reasons and ‘tradition’, and, despite the fact that some dog owners claim they do it to prevent ear canal infections, there is no medical benefit to having a dog’s ears cropped...

...As a responsible dog owner, and someone who supports animal welfare, you should choose a breeder that does not support these practices [ear cropping and tail docking]..." or tell them before the dog is born that you don't want it done.

Under Cats, "Scratching and Declawing", they do educate about preventing scratching problems, using and building scratching posts, say declawing kittens as a preventative measure is wrong, and give basic info what declawing is & that it's painful. They never mention that it's illegal in any countries, or any of the possible negative complications that can occur, or what the position statement of other groups are, like they do with dogs.

I recently found this info out and haven't had a chance to contact them yet.

Contact page:

Mar 25, 2011 To Chris
by: Ruth

Such antiquated animal welfare laws are terrible !I have passed this page on to the only person I know in Canada, in the hopes she will pass it on to all her contacts in your country to get more support.
I will put it on my facebook page and groups too.
Is there anything we in other countries can do ?
I know declawing happens in Canada. Is it as routine and widespread and acceptable as it is in the USA ?

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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