This is great news for anti-declaw advocates. The Lakewood Animal Hospital has been declawing cats for many years but have decided to stop. The news comes from veterinarian Tara Hudye. She believes that a growing number of vets are deciding that the declawing of cats is unhealthy to cats as it leads to behavioural problems and, for example, arthritis (due to gait distortions as a result of sensitivity and pain). There are many other potential complications, which I hope they are aware of.
Tara says that she and other vets have noticed that some declawed cats appear to demonstrate sensitivity when people touch their toes and when walking. It is fantastic to hear vets say this because what she is saying is that a substantial percentage of declawed cats have a problem with their toes, which we as advocates against declawing have known about for a long time but it is refreshing to hear veterinarians say it especially ones who have declawed for years.
The staff at the hospital decided together that they would stop doing the operation. They decided the alternatives were better. It may also have dawned on them that many operations are botched because the procedure is inherently defective.
To be honest. I’m almost speechless because this is fantastic news. I believe it is indicative of a slight change in mentality amongst mainstream veterinarians who declaw; a slight shift in mentality against it together with a realisation that what they’re doing causes problems which for decades they have chosen to ignore. I believe this change is due to years of publicity against the unethical nature of the operation by many people including myself on PoC.
I’m pleased that this website has done its bit to bring the message to the veterinarians (there are over 300 pages on the topic on PoC) and we must all praise The Paw Project for their fantastic, committed and peristent work.
Source: Regina animal hospital stops declawing cats – Saskatchewan – CBC News.
I believe the reason why declawing dogs is considered objectionable is because the dog is less independent than the cat. There is a different relationship as the dog is a pack animal.
Its weird that people are shocked at a dog being declawed but not a cat especially when the dog was declawed for the same reason that cats are; causing an inconvenience to humans, in the case of the dog it was the annoying sound of claws on wooden floors 🙁
I am delighted that yet another vets practice has decided to stop; I think there will be many more no one wants to be ‘the last man standing’
I’m heartened by this news, and hope this spreads like wildfire.
The outcry about the few dogs declawed is still going on too, what a pity those people weren’t outraged and shocked and didn’t fight to stop the thousands of cats being declawed all the decades it’s been happening.
Yes it’s good news, every time I see on face book that another vet practice has given up declawing I’m so pleased!
They must know they can’t deny much longer that declawing causes cats many problems, even if it isn’t botched.
I couldn’t believe a couple of weeks ago a vet stating on an anti declaw page that she hadn’t heard of the Paw Project work until very recently and didn’t know they were repairing paws. Also that she didn’t know that declawing causes problems. I find that very hard to believe when even we in other countries have known about the Paw Project and their work for years! She went on to say she only did a few a year anyway, a few too many for the cats she mutilated I’d say!
Of course the diehards are still declawing, still advertising it and getting away with it, but surely their days must be numbered now!
What a wonderful day it will be when declawing is consigned to the history books and we can be really happy that we helped to put it there.