Reminder: $5m New York State grants for qualifying animal shelters and others

NYS Grants

ASPCA reminded me of New York State’s grant giveaway to a variety of organizations including not-for-profit animal organizations which must include cat and animal shelters. They have to qualify and one criteria is that they must have at least one municipal contract. The grants can help pay for new facilities.

Organizations must also be seeking to enhance animal welfare by carrying out improvements according to the Association of Shelter Veterinarians’ Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters. You can read this document by clicking on the following link: Shelter Standards NYS

The grants are funded by the Department of Agriculture and Markets under their 2017 Farm to School Competitive Grant Program.

Questions can be asked by emailing Alexandra Chiusano using the following address:

The deadline for applying for a grant s January 10th 2018 (4 pm ET).

I wrote a page on animal welfare grants many years ago. It may still be useful: Animal Welfare Grants.

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