Representative of Walter Palmer contacts USFWS (and updates)

Some updates on the Walter Palmer case. Firstly, a representative of Mr Palmer has voluntarily contacted the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS):

“We were voluntarily contacted by a rep of Dr Palmer. We appreciate the co-operation, investigation is ongoing.”

Secondly this is a photo of his wife, Tonette Palmer, who is in hiding with her husband:

Tonette Palmer
Tonette Palmer

Mrs Palmer is an avid sport hunter like her reviled husband. Mrs Palmer has held as many as seven sport licences allowing her to fish in Florida and hunt in Alaska. She works as secretary for a Minneapolis real estate developer we are told.

Thirdly, extradition of Mr Palmer to Zimbabwe for trial is unlikely because their criminal justice system ‘sucks’ to use an Americanism. Will he receive a fair trial? Perhaps not…but with the eyes of the world on it surely the trial would be adequate for justice to be done. In any case if you break the law in Zimbabwe you should be prepared to face the law in Zimbabwe.

Theo Bronkhorst the professional hunter who finally killed Cecil was released on $1,000 bail after being charged with failing to prevent an illegal hunt. He’ll attend court on Wednesday next.

2 thoughts on “Representative of Walter Palmer contacts USFWS (and updates)”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I hope this guy, his wife, but also daughter, son will go bankrupt and end up at the worst areas one can imagine. Not even because of the lion, but because they are so bloody arrogant that they shit on society.

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