Rescued York Chocolate “Indy”

Rescued York Chocolate “Indy”

by Linda Inveninato
(Tybee Island, GA, USA)

Indy at 8 months

Indy at 8 months

Indy at 8 months Indy at 6 weeks Indy at 12 weeks Indy at 8 months

At about 6 AM on the morning of May 31st I saw some little animal moving down the highway gutter across the street form my home. A pair of binoculars showed me a tiny black kitten.

I quickly grabbed our cat carrier and a can of cat food and ran for the street. The little creature would not come to me, instead hiding under a car, so I laid the carrier (opened cat food can inside) behind the car. The tiny black kitten ran into the carrier. I quickly closed the wire door and brought it back to my home.

Not wild, he was sweet, thin, and very hungry. We named him Indy as it was the day of the Indianapolis 500 car race and neighbors reported to me that this tiny kitten had survived the night on the heavily trafficked highway.

He is maturing into a semi-sweet dark chocolate brown, slightly lighter on his underbelly, with thick hair even between his pads. He is a lap cat, always underfoot, and gets along well with our other two cats.

I've attached 4 pictures of him at approx 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 8 months. Please freely use the pictures to show folks the breed.


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Rescued York Chocolate "Indy"

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Jun 30, 2011
A cat lover
by: Anonymous

God bless you!

Jan 03, 2011
by: Renee

I'm so glad Indy found you. He might have a bit of Maine Coon in him. The fur tufs in between his toes is like the Main Coon for extra warmth from the cold. They have long bushy tails too and long-haired. But who cares, as long as he is a member of the family. And, he looks very content.

Jan 02, 2011
A part of the herd
by: Anonymous

Hi Michael,

My hubby and I were at a loss as to what breed this cat was. Indy was an unusual dark brown color, and along with the lilac patch on his throat throat he had a lilac tuft under each ear when he was a kitten. He's a doll...

It was this "Pictures of Cats" website where I finally found pictures and descriptions of the York Chocolate, of which he is indeed a mix. That makes no difference to us though, lol, we're all mutts here!

Thank you for the compliment on rescuing this little guy! We've experience at "highway" rescues. Our herd consists of three mixed cats (including Indy)rescued as kittens, and 3 mixed retriever dogs, 2 rescued as sibling pups, the other was approx a year old. We've had them all neutered and keep them immunized. They are all very well adjusted to each other.

All of these wonderful spirits found us on this busy island highway. Seems all we ever have to do is grab the carrier/food or a collar/leash/biscuit and they are happy to leave the street and come up to our house. After a trip to the Vet for a health check we introduce them to the rest of the family. We also print up some flyers and a newspaper ad to see if they are lost pets.

Occasionally, a visiting friend and a member of our herd show real companionship together. If that friend wishes to adopt we help the transition in every way we can.

Our 2 grown sons learned to love by learning to raise "adoptees."

Happiness in the New Year!

Jan 02, 2011
A part of the herd
by: Anonymous

Hi Michael,

My hubby and I were at a loss as to what breed this cat was. Indy was an unusual dark brown color, and along with the lilac patch on his throat throat he had a lilac tuft under each ear when he was a kitten. He's a doll...

It was this "Pictures of Cats" website where I finally found pictures and descriptions of the York Chocolate, of which he is indeed a mix. That makes no difference to us though, lol, we're all mutts here!

Thank you for the compliment on rescuing this little guy! We've experience at "highway" rescues. Our herd consists of three mixed cats (including Indy)rescued as kittens, and 3 mixed retriever dogs, 2 rescued as sibling pups, the other was approx a year old. We've had them all neutered and keep them immunized. They are all very well adjusted to each other.

All of these wonderful spirits found us on this busy island highway. Seems all we ever have to do is grab the carrier/food or a collar/leash/biscuit and they are happy to leave the street and come up to our house. After a trip to the Vet for a health check we introduce them to the rest of the family. We also print up some flyers and a newspaper ad to see if they are lost pets.

Occasionally, a visiting friend and a member of our herd show real companionship together. If that friend wishes to adopt we help the transition in every way we can.

Our 2 grown sons learned to love by learning to raise "adoptees."

Happiness in the New Year!

Jan 02, 2011
Nice rescue
by: Michael

I am very impressed with the speed and efficiency of your rescue!

And well done is doing it. It seems neighbours watched. You acted.

Of course Indy (nice name) is not strictly speaking a York Chocolate as he is not a registered, pedigreed, purebred cat as far as I can tell but who cares! He also has a locket of white hair on his chest. He is lovely.

Michael Avatar

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