Return of the “Wild Bunch”

by Jan Plant
(Marion,Texas USA)

The New

The New "Wild Bunch"

Howdy folks....been awhile and these little beasties have certainly kept me on my toes. We actually ended up with eight babies from three mamas. Thanks to Michael's help, all mamas are now spayed and living much calmer lives! A vet tech at the new vets office actually has adopted one mama, all babies are spoken for, but am keeping them a bit longer so they can be socialized by their mothers abit more.

Feisty little boogers.The little marmalade is a tom and when I picked him up the other day he actually bit me! Now I know why Mamas have weaned them! OUCH!

They all took to dry food on their own and I have placed several flats of litter on deck to get them use to that.

You all asked for update pictures and here some are. Sorry, not a photographer.:). Still have a bit of an issue with crusty eyes, but vet gave me meds for them and it seems to be doing the trick.

Ya'll tell me...does this little marmalade look as if his eyes are going to be blue? Well that's all my news for now. Take care of you and everyone. Hug the kitties for me. And thanks once again Michael!!!


Return of the "Wild Bunch" to Feral Cats

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Return of the "Wild Bunch"

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May 05, 2010 Good to Hear from You!
by: Julie,Alhambra,USA

They are wonderful! I love kittens.Everything is so new to them and they have so much energy. They are rowdy little comedians who enrich our lives. Just watching them play can brighten ones spirits. Love the picture! Michael,you are our hero! Jan ,your dedication is inspirational!

May 05, 2010 Good to Hear from You!
by: Julie,Alhambra,USA

They are wonderful! I love kittens.Everything is so new to them and they have so much energy. They are rowdy little comedians who enrich our lives. Just watching them play can brighten ones spirits. Love the picture! Michael,you are our hero! Jan ,your dedication is inspirational!

Apr 19, 2010 New bunch
by: Ruth

Hi Jan, I wondered how long it would be until you had your new batch of wildies dumped on you.
Whatever would those cats do without you ?
It's a lovely photo and yes the little Marmalade's eyes look very blue.
You are a litle Earth Angel, we love you, keep up the good work.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Apr 18, 2010 Hi Jan
by: Michael

Thanks for popping by and updating us. I am pleased that some PoC money has helped some cats. I love the directness of it. Thank you for helping these cats.

As to the marmalade boy. If he keeps his blue eyes doesn't that make him an Ojos Azules?

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