A cat stolen from a Johnson County, Indiana TNR organization last Friday has prompted a reward by Johnson County Community Cats for her safe return. Riesling is a former feral who took weeks to socialize once she and her siblings (and mom) were trapped.
The TNR group posted on their Facebook community page
“We have had Riesling since she was a small kitten. We worked for hours trying to get her, her siblings, and mom caught. We spent weeks socializing her and her siblings because they were all feral. We have loved and cared for Riesling so long and can’t believe someone would just take her and walk out a door with her.
We are shocked, devastated, and worried about our girl. It’s our job to protect her and find her an amazing home and we can’t do either of those things for her. She’s not “just a cat” she’s one of our babies and we want her back with us.”
If you have seen Riesling or know someone who recently obtained a kitten who looks like her or sees her photo online please call or text the group at 317-914-4211, send them a message via Facebook or email them at tnr@jcccats.org.
You may also contact JCCC if you wish to contribute to the reward.
The Johnson County Community Cats is a 501c3 Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program dedicated to serving the community cats and caregivers of Johnson County.