Ricky Gervais lambastes trophy hunters trying to justify their behavior

Good for Ricky Gervais. He’s angry as many of us are. This is what celebrities should be doing; using their influence to try and improve the world and eradicate the scum who enjoy killing animals.

Gervais hates hunting
Gervais hates hunting like hundreds of millions of others

Here are his words verbatim:

“I’m sick of Trophy Hunters trying to excuse their grim sport by saying they provide a service. They exploit the needs of the poor. They pay lots of money to go and shoot a magnificent animal because the authorities need the cash, and then claim they are doing a good deed. It’s not a good deed.

Those authorities would rather have the money AND the animal still alive but they can’t afford to. So they’re forced to take money from rich psychopaths who get their cheap fucking thrills from shooting a giraffe or elephant in the head. If they were providing a service THEY would be the ones being paid.

Imagine a vet paying you to put down your dog and then taking a selfie next to the corpse. And as for “the money goes to saving the remaining animals”..Oh dear. Where will it end? Can you pay more to kill the leopard with a hammer if that’s your perversion? They’re already killing with bows and arrows for fucks sake.

And would we allow some billionaire sicko to shoot one cancer patient if he gave a million dollars to cancer research? No. Of course we fucking wouldn’t. If they really wanted to do a good deed they would donate the money, and NOT shoot the animal. They would be heroes then. As opposed to murdering scum.”

His words on Facebook have 207k FB Likes. Great. His words are popular. A lot of people are coming forward to express their despair and anger at trophy hunters. They pathetically trawl out the usual cliched platitudes to justify what they do. What they say is transparently ridiculous.


Arnold Schwarzenegger has also spoken!

“Stop killing big cats. Killing a lion isn’t ballsy. Going into the octagon or joining the military – that’s ballsy. Try that before you kill a lion. Protecting big cats is also ballsy….”

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