Right wing website “Conservative Reason” supported Kristen Lindsey the cat killing vet

It was a website called Conservative Reason which started the GoFundMe fund raising campaign with the intention of raising money for Kristen Lindsey the now notorious cat-killing vet.

As it happens the campaign was deleted by the GoFundMe website as it was in breach of their rules – a violation of their terms and conditions:

“which include prohibitions against “Campaigns in defense of formal charges of heinous crimes, including violent, hateful, or sexual acts”

Great, GoFundMe consider her cat killing a heinous crime. The Conservative Reason website makes a startling statement:

“Although Dr. Lindsey is an avid hunter and Christian, we’re not going to claim that this is an “attack on hunters” or an “attack on Christians.”

They admit that deleting the crowd funding campaign is not an attack on Christians. What concerns me is that the editor of Conservative Reason is almost certainly a Christian and that Lindsey is both a hunter and a Christian. How can a Christian defend such a nasty act of cat cruelty? A misguided attitude.

Are these two personal characteristics meant to go together: Christian and sport hunter? Aren’t Christians meant to be kind, caring individuals who respect all living creatures? Aren’t Christians meant to set high standards of integrity and morality? Apparently not.

Christians are no better and no worse than the rest of us, which makes me question the reason for being a Christian.

One person who left  a comment on the Conservative Reason website says that Christians have the right to harvest animals. I disagree with that of course but it is irrelevant in this instance quite clearly.

The photo shows Kristen Lindsey and her mother. Her mother condones what her daughter did. There is a petition to remove her as county treasurer. They are both Republicans, apparently. I suppose that is obvious to Americans.

Source: GoFundMe deletes our “Help Kristen Lindsey” campaign | Conservative Reason

25 thoughts on “Right wing website “Conservative Reason” supported Kristen Lindsey the cat killing vet”

  1. Thanks Rachel. I like your comment. I can tell that is is written by a decent woman and a Christian. For me decency and Christianity should go hand in hand. I’d bet my bottom dollar though that there are a lot of Christian sport hunters in America and I just can’t reconcile the one with the other.

  2. This is an insult to Christians, Hunters and Republicans alike. Not all people in any of these groups belong in the cat-killing/animal torturing group that people like Kristen seem to be members of. The Bible does not speak against harvesting animals, but killing for pleasure is a definite NO-NO!!!

  3. I am Christian. I have and continue to spend my life and every spare dime I have on rescuing needy cats. I house many cats with health issues that can never be adopted. My vet bills are through the roof. Kristen Lindsey may claim she is Christian and so can her mother but they do not walk the walk. Christians do not enjoy inflicting pain on others. Animal or human. Christians obey the law of any country they live in. Being Christian does not give us a free pass to break the law. There are many verses in the Bible that express kindness to animals. I have supported Tiger’s caregivers from day one and will continue…. as a Christian.

  4. I am a Christian in the sense that I claim Christ Jesus as my risen Savior. It is not for me to judge if Ms. Lindsey is a Christian or not. Or how she represents her faith. However, as a follower of Christ and his teachings, I do NOT believe that cruelty to animals is favorable in the sight of God. The bottom line is that Ms. Lindsey broke the law! This law was written and passed and placed in the Texas Penal Code for a reason, and it should be upheld as the evidence permits. It breaks my heart that people will bend and stretch the “rules of their faith” to suit their needs. I have no problem with hunting or hunters. There is a place for that in our world. But this act was neither to feed her family, nor to control population as this animal was a pet and neutered. It makes me sad that an organization such as “Conservative Reason” would support this heinous act in the name of hunting and the christian faith. They do not speak for all Christians nor all hunters!

  5. Another reason to chalk down why I denounced my catholic faith to become a Wiccan which in our spiritual way we do not HARM NONE!

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