R.I.P. Sadie

R.I.P. Sadie

by Gail
(Boston, USA)

Sadie posing patiently

Sadie posing patiently

Sadie posing patiently Hey, I'm hungry, OK? Mom, gotta use the box! Nice view, eh?

It is with a heavy heart and tear-filled eyes - my precious baby Sadie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Friday, September 24th at 11:45pm.

She was a fighter and rallied this past week to the point where further treatment was discussed. Unfortunately, her afflictions were too great. We spent our last few moments together and I told her how much I loved her, while stroking that beautiful soft fur. I told her not to worry about her mommie; if it was her time, it was OK to go. Mommie would always love her, no matter what. Moments later, she was gone.

Although the house is hollow, I know this will pass. I haven't been able to pick deal with her litter box yet...it's so final; however, there's still that huge tuxedo stray out back banging on the porch door for breakfast. He's been cathartic actually, although he's been pretty quiet the past couple days. How do they know?

It is truly an honor to be part of a cat-loving forum who not only loves cats in all their splendor, but understands the grieving process as well. Thank you everyone.


From R.I.P. Sadie to Cat health problems

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R.I.P. Sadie

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Oct 05, 2010 Sadie and Duka Together
by: Jill AKA Duka's Mom

Gail, I know how much Sadie means to you and she will always be part of you. I will never forget how kind you both were when Duka went to the Rainbow Bridge. They are together playing and waiting for us.

Savaanh Grace was fighting for her life while Duka was losing her fight. It's weird but, MK is suppose to be with you and Sadie knew in her heart what was going to happen. I think Duka planned it out for me to meet Savannah(Adrianna) on SAVE A CAT. She kept sending me messages and that it was OK to love another animal as much as I loved her.

We will always be connected through our daughters. Knowing they are together gives me comfort, because they did share a special bond.



Oct 05, 2010 MK and you need each other
by: Barbara

It seems like you and MK are meant to be together, you need comfort and she is willing to give it, she needs a loving home and you are willing to give it, what could be a better way to remember a much loved cat than by helping another one. I hope you have many happy years together.

Oct 05, 2010 Lovely !
by: Ruth

Gail that is so lovely and for sure giving that cat a home in Sadie's honour is a wonderful thing to do. It's as if she sent her to you because you need each other!
The only complaint I ever have about cats is that their lives are so very short in comparison to ours and over 36 years of sharing our lives my heart has been broken quite a few times.
You can't replace any much loved cat you lose as each is unique and special but I hope this cat helps ease your pain a bit Gail.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 04, 2010 Life is Strange
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Thanks to everyone for their heartfelt wishes. The past week, especially Friday evening - one week later, was very strange. I found myself looking at the clock at the appointed hour that my baby Sadie left this world and I cried. Then I found myself going back in time - one year ago, three, five...reminiscing on what we were doing. Yes, I got teary-eyed, but even that is part of the healing process.

FAST FORWARD... While cleaning out cat cages this past Saturday at the shelter (3 cages high), I felt something smacking my head. When I looked up, it was this beautiful Maine Coon mix female who had recently returned to the shelter after 9.5 months when her human passed. I'd seen her before and contemplated adopting; however, Sadie would never allow another to share her mom.

Apparently, after being returned a 2nd time to the shelter, "Mumma Kitty" developed cattitude interspersed with extreme shyness and sometimes depression, with periodic anti-social behavior. That's why it was so strange that she was smacking my head. She had never done that before.

When I got to her cage to clean it, she had her two front paws stretched out as far as the cage would allow, straining to reach me with those huge paws and gigantic claws outstretched. Mind you, we've been trained not to get too close with claws outstretched for obvious reasons, but somehow it didn't seem dangerous. As I leaned in for her to touch my face, the claws retracted and she cupped my face with her paws. I got a bit teary-eyed when I opened her cage to clean it and the most amazing thing happened. She actually touched a tear on my face with her paw (no claws), then stuck her head full-force into the crook of my neck. I nearly fell off the ladder, she was so strong. The other volunteers were floored.

So, Mumma Kitty adopted me! She will be coming home next Saturday. This week will be spent cleaning out Sadie's stuff and making things new for this beautiful companion. Methinks MK isn't crazy about her name either, so we'll work on that as well as posting new photos when she gets settled.

Who knew?

Oct 04, 2010 so sorry
by: kathy

I too have expierenced the death of a loved one when my sons cat 8-ball died in my arms. I just kept telling her how much we loved her. I know your pain and my thoughts are with you.

Sep 29, 2010 Little Sadie --
by: Sylvia Ann

Gail - I've not checked into this website for days,but pluggged in a couple of minutes ago. I would write you words of comfort if I could, but I can't see the keyboard for tears...

I'm so sorry...Im so, so sad for your loss, butknow how loved yourlittle Sadie girl was.

Sep 29, 2010 So sorry
by: Leah

Gail I'm so sorry for your loss Sadie was indeed a special little lady.

You are so brave sharing your sorrow but a sorrow shared helps to make it bearable. You know that we all feel deeply for you as we have all loved and lost.

Take care

Sep 29, 2010 Thank you for being thoughtful
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

Words cannot express how much comfort everyone's thoughtfulness has been regarding Sadie.

Ruth, for the first time today, I burst into tears when I saw the candle glowing in Sadie's memory. Thank you so much - it means a great deal to me. Tears are not just in sorrow; they are cleansing as well. Each day is a bit easier and the warm memories are beginning to outweigh the pain of losing one so precious.

I also believe in the continuity of life and agree that the tuxedo stray out back is helping to keep me grounded. I also know that returning to the shelter to be among all those hopeful furry faces will also be therapeutic. Who knows? Perhaps another will eventually tug at the old heartstrings. The door is always open for love.

Peace everyone.

Sep 29, 2010 My thoughts
by: Ruth

I agree with Susie.While a late loved one, whether person or animal is in someone's thoughts or their image is in their mind, they are never dead.
Having lived through many bereavements of both people and pets I think the worst thing after the first grief is when after a while when no one mentions your loved one and it feels as if everyone has forgotten them but you.
I think a Memorial page is a wonderful idea Michael and a link to where you can light a candle,as we have on our Claws group.


I have lit a candle there for dear Sadie xx

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 29, 2010 Sadie's Legacy
by: Susie Bearder

Sadie isn't gone - just 'out of sight'. I have this theory that our loved domestic animals endow our environment in all sorts of ways. You wait and see... There is already a degree of continuity that you recognise by your big stray banging at the cat flap. I hope this doesnt sound rubbish Gail. Just something I have noticed.
How many of us on this site now have an image of Sadie from your lovely photo?

Sep 28, 2010 So sorry about Sadie
by: To Gail

Gail, my heart goes out to you, I am just so sorry to read of your loss of Sadie, it is absolute physical and mental agony to lose them. RIP Sadie xxxx

Barbara avatar

Sep 28, 2010 To Gail
by: Ruth

I'm so sad for you at the loss of Sadie.
There really are no words to help you when you lose a loved one, only time can do that.
I'll be thinking about you.
Take care.
R.I.P Sadie

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Sep 28, 2010 i will keep you in my prayers
by: darlene burrow

hi your story you told us touched my heart with the love you had for your beloved cat i think its the hardest thing to go through for the loss of your best friend and a family member (cat) i will keep you in my prayers i can relate to what you are going through i had a cat named hugs she passed on at the age of three very young then later on i adopted another cat which i named rascal he had ran away even though i had a collar and leash on him he never returned back home which was two years ago and i am still having problems with it the wonders of where he might be and whoever has him now are they treating rascal right did he live or didn't so to deal with the problems i do have i express my problems and helping me find peace in my heart by writing a book about rascal its helping me now i am so loved by a beautiful cat milo take care and god bless

Sep 28, 2010 Sadie
by: Maggie

My heart sunk just at reading the title. As I know how much you loved Sadie, and how proud you were of her.

She lived a good life with you, Gail. And I know that she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

I hope you're okay, Gail. I give you my best during this hard time.

Rest in peace, Sadie. May your loving memory live on forever.

Sep 28, 2010 Tears
by: Michael

Tears filled my eyes. Sadie was a gorgeous black tortie.

I am so sorry to hear the news. I wish you the very best at this difficult time.

One good thing: your story has given me the idea to start a page dedicated to the passing of our beloved cat companions.

When I have created it I will move the post to that page. There are other pages that need moving to a dedicated page to commemorate treasured cats.

Take care Gail.

Michael Avatar

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