Robbing Cats Is Wrong

Robbing Cats Is Wrong

by Edward

Every kitten born into this world deserves a happy life in a good home and not to be robbed of anything they need.

Because just like us they only have one life and if that life is with anyone who doesn't understand cats rights it is very sad.

So before you take a kitten into your home you should ask yourself if you can give her everything she needs to live a fulfilled cat's life.

Taking a kitten home because you or your child want one is not good enough and you may be robbing that kitten of the chance to live with someone who would give her a home for her sake with a happy life.

You have to be sure you can look after a cat all her life and can afford the vets bills and the food and bed and toys and scratching posts she will need or you will be robbing her of those rights.

If you go away a lot you have to know someone trustworthy to look after her. It's cruel to leave cats on their own very long as it's robbing them of company. Cats can't tell you they get lonely but they do.

If you live in a country where vets rob cats of their claws make sure you go to a vet who would never do anything so cruel. I don't think you can trust any vet who robs cats of their claws.
I think people who let vets persuade them to do that should learn about cats as if they don't know cats have to have claws to be happy healthy cats then they don't know anything much about cats at all.

Ed (with the help of Mrs Ed)

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Robbing Cats Is Wrong

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Jan 28, 2012
Thank you NEW
by: Edward

Man Im blushing now at all these nice compliments about my writing.
Thank you.
I was always told by my mother if you speak from the heart you cant go wrong and wrapping things up in fancy words is pointless just say what you have to say as simple as you can.
So thats what I do man.
I dont know if I can write another page as it took me ages and Im usually only home weekends and holidays from driving but Ill try.

Jan 26, 2012
Pets are NOT disposable. NEW
by: Anonymous

It's completely wrong/abusive & selfish to get a pet with no regards to their need for love, medical care,training, shelter & proper food sometimes just because the kids want one. A pet is a life long commitment, they need to be part of a loving family.
You're robbing the poor animal from having a great life.

Jan 25, 2012
Great job, Ed! NEW
by: Ruth (Monty's Mom)

I hope you continue writing! You really know cats, Edward, and I enjoy your writing style. Keep up the good work!

Jan 22, 2012
Good one Edward NEW
by: Mrs M

A good article Edward, you sure do know and love cats!
It's heart rending that many kittens end up living unhappy lives.
Not always because the people they live with are cruel but because many are ignorant.
It's too easy to get a kitten and get rid of it when it grows up and isn't a mallable fluffy bundle any more.
People need to think ahead and ask themselves if they really do love cats enough to want to commit to all its needs and costs for up to 20 years.

Jan 22, 2012
Very true NEW
by: Rose

Yes Ed you are right,it is a form of robbery denying cats their rightful lives.
I like the way you tell it,simple and straightforward and no fancy words,you say exactly what you mean.
Not a man to be seen,Mrs Ed did a good job with your grammar but I did miss your man lol

Jan 22, 2012
very good NEW
by: leanne

i told you michael would like it well enough to put it on, you're a good writer, you write a sensible article and give good advice, along with your valuable helper of course!! i agree about people just wanting kittens for a child, usually as a spur of the moment thing. we get people like that here and most of the time i would'nt give them a toy cat to look after safely. thats not to say everyone is the same of course but you get people who have seen a film, a picture in a book, their friend has just got one, these are the people who annoy me most. they don't have clue about looking after a cat/kitten just like the idea of it. the reality of litter trays, vet bills, etc., don't even occur to them, and these are usually the people where the novelty soon wears off and thes poor animals end up in shelters and rescue centres the world over, unloved, unwanted and in too many cases, dead. your article is a good one for people thinking about getting a cat/kitten to read and take advice from, and i hope they do. well done ed, can't wait for the next one.

Jan 22, 2012
Good article NEW
by: Barbara

Edward you've been hiding your light under a bushel! Your article is spot on, you chose to use the word rob and it's the perfect word to describe the effect the wrong people getting their hands on a kitten can have on that kitten's life. They are literally robbing her of the chance of a good life.

Well done man!(and wife) I hope we hear from you again soon, I like your style.

Barbara avatar

Jan 22, 2012
Worth waiting for ! NEW
by: Ruth

I love your article Ed, well worth waiting for !
You are so right about all the ways people rob cats by thinking what they want, not what the cats want and need.
Good point about declawing too, it is really just like robbing body parts.
Declawing is not like neutering which is for the cat's own good, it's only for the convenience of people who should never have cats in their home.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

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