Rogue Animal Control officer seizes nine feral cats from backyard. 7 are euthanized.

Rogue Animal Control officer seizes nine feral cats from backyard. 7 are euthanized.

This is the disturbing story of an Animal Control officer employed by Hays County, Texas, USA, who apparently entered upon private property where nine ear-tipped, neutered, feral cats were living and seized them. He took them to an animal shelter: the San Marcos Regional Animal Shelter, where within 24 hours seven of them were dead. Note: ear-tipping indicates the cats were part of a TNR program and cared for.

It appears that no checks were made on micro-chipping and ownership of the cats. It is not uncommon for ear tipped feral cats to be owned by a person.

The initial report came from the person who claimed that she owned the nine cats. She said that they were living on her property. She said that she had not been notified by the shelter that her cats had been seized. And as mentioned it appears that there had been no attempt to discover ownership.

Geoff Caldwell, the director of Neighborhood Services for the City of San Marcos, confirmed that a Hays County officer had picked up the cats and impounded them. He had done so without direction from management. And he had seized the cats while off-duty in Caldwell County which is outside his jurisdiction.

It appears that the officer concerned has been dismissed because he is no longer employed by Hays County.

The conclusion is that he was an Animal Control officer who had gone rogue acting outside of his duties and his jurisdiction. The implication is that he was unsuited to the role.

During 2017, the shelter concerned euthanized 70% of cats entering it. This is clearly not a no-kill shelter and one in which there appears to be a need to improve the prospects of survival of the cats in their care.

A Facebook page has been set up in response to the incident. It is called: Save the Cats of Hays County. New procedures have been put into place at the San Marcos shelter. The manager at the shelter, Kara Montiel, has taken steps to make sure that the animals that are impounded at the shelter are accounted for properly. It appears that they are checking for identification more thoroughly.

A casual approach to the lives of cats – they are ‘only cats’ – seems to have permeated the consciousness of certain individuals working with animals in this neck of the woods.

Source: The University Star.

12 thoughts on “Rogue Animal Control officer seizes nine feral cats from backyard. 7 are euthanized.”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. This owner needs to file suit against not only the individual officer, but the police department. That is the only way she will be taken seriously. When it comes to negotiations she can settle with the police for a nominal amount to cover fees, a guarantee that they will prosecute the former officer to the fullest extent of the law, and that if he loses the sentencing recommendation be the maximum allowed.

  3. Thanks. Yes, it all seems to be taken casually by the authorities. This is because they were feral cats. The authorities do not hold feral cats in high regard. The opposite in fact.

  4. I am furious! I am outraged! A monster walks onto someone else’s property without permission and takes animals off and kills them and there is no prosecution????? This is the pure definition of felony cruelty! I hope the property owner knows that she has a right to file civil action against this monster!

  5. Carol I can reinstate that method of notification but I was annoying some people when publishing say 4 articles. I did not want to flood their inbox. I agree about ear-tipped cats being adopted.

  6. It is entirely possible that a person could adopt an ear tipped cat, in which case capturing the poor thing and having it euthanized means the owner would lose their beloved cat. But with TNR, they should have been left alone. I hope it was just this rogue who was the problem there.

    BTW, I miss the way you used to send out emails. The subject line would catch my attention more readily than in the digest format. This must work more efficiently for you, however.

  7. Yes, someone should in law enforcement should have called and asked questions. Very odd. Sandy Pines probably have friends in law enforcement.

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