Ruth’s Podcast: cats, coronavirus, love and positivity

Beautiful Monty
Beautiful Monty in his enriched environment tailormade by Jeff, Ruth’s husband.

This is a brilliant podcast from Ruth in which she expresses her thoughts about domestic cats and the coronavirus pandemic. She gives us her Message from America. It is wide ranging and above all positive. Ruth takes the positives from this horrible pandemic and the very strange times we are living through. I love the bit about her Monty looking stunning in the sun because he is loved. You can feed your cat the best cat food but they won’t look as stunning as a cat fed with love as well.

Because when you love your cat everything that is good in cat guardianship flows from that starting point. Ruth is absolutely correct. If you ask what is the best way to care for a cat in a word or two, the answer is to love them. You won’t go wrong. You’ll find a way. And as Ruth says we can learn so much particularly in these tough times from our cat such as living in the present.

I listened to her podcast while doing 20 minutes of Pilates at home as we are in lockdown like many places. Pilates is great for toning up the old body – if you are old 😉 . Podcasts and Pilates go well together.

On a cautionary note, I am little concerned about our cat companions as it seems possible that they could get Covid-19 because the virus comes from a wild animal and the physiology of the domestic cat is the same as their wild cat ancestor. The experts have not rules it out. If they do and if there are some more cases that are reported in the news media the outcome for domestic and feral cats might be a disaster. Anyway that is being too negative and I am not staying in the present.

Thanks Ruth for your ‘Message from America’ podcast.


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