San Francisco Fire Department Commissioner has joined the ‘movement’ to get Edna back to Station 49

The most recent update on San Francisco Fire Station 49 cat Edna tells us even the San Francisco Fire Department Commissioner is fighting to get Edna back to the only home she’s ever known.

Edna relaxing (Instagram fire_cat_edna)

Edna’s heartbreaking move has been covered in several articles for PoC. Links can be found following this update. She’s definitely the most famous cat in the United States at this point.

Commissioner Joseph Alioto Vernonese asked the San Francisco Fire Department on Wednesday to reverse the decision that evicted Edna from Station 49 on Monday. Vernonese will take up the issue formally at the March meeting where he plans to outline the proven benefits of animals in emotional support.

Edna is settling in very well with one of the members of Station 49. Her Instagram page gave us an update saying

“Edna update: she is doing pretty good. She’s eating, cuddling, napping, eating, more cuddling, more napping, using the litter box right away (thank goodness), watching Law & Order and the Westminster Dog Show on the bed, but I don’t think she was a big fan of watching the dog show. Truly happy that she seems to be handling this pretty well so far. She’s a very resilient kitty!”

Commissioner supports #ednastays 

Department officials say having an animal in the “rescue station” jeopardizes sanitation. But Veronese is asking the department to consider the proven benefits of animals in stress reduction and emotional support.

Veronese plans to take up the issue formally at the next fire commission meeting.

In the meantime, a member of the fire department is caring for Edna at home and posting updates to Instagram for Ednas 40,000+ followers.

From what I’ve gathered from different news media, other fire departments have a variety of animals in their care. I’ll continue reporting on Edna as more information becomes available.

Edna and the #ednastays articles are below.

Social media 9-1-1: Cat advocates are banding together to save San Francisco fire station cat who received a ‘complaint’ and is being ‘evicted’

Edna the cat has been adopted: Member of the facility took her home after eviction went forward

More information about Edna, the fire station cat who was recently evicted from the only home she’s ever known

1 thought on “San Francisco Fire Department Commissioner has joined the ‘movement’ to get Edna back to Station 49”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. I commend Commissioner Joseph Alioto Vernonese for supporting Edna’s case. Whatever is in Edna’s best interest is what I am rooting for. Such a precious kitty. Edna desereves a happy healthy life. 😻💜💜☮️🐾

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