Scruffy our Spoiled Rug of a Cat

Scruffy our Spoiled Rug of a Cat

by Karen Brown

Scruffy doing her thing, relaxing

Scruffy doing her thing, relaxing

About 2 years ago my husband was working and saw some kittens that had got down in a ditch half full of water. They were very wet and hungry. My husband loves to make cat sounds to see if he can get kittens, or cats to answer him, he called for them just to see if he could at least get them out of the water, only one came to him and she was very wet, scared and very hungry. He called me to come get her; she then became a very loved part of the family.

It was scary at first. We did not think she was going to make it. She was very sick from not eating, and being in the water for so long it took some time but we now have a beautiful fun loving cat who loves to immitate a bear rug. That is his favorite way to lay around no matter were she lays.

I'm very glad that she came to him. She is a very loving addition to our home.


Scruffy our Spoiled Rug of a Cat to Domestic cats

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Scruffy our Spoiled Rug of a Cat

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Oct 17, 2009
Cute Scruffy
by: Finn Frode, Denmark

It's sad that the other kittens could not be helped, but that doesn't take anything away from the fact that you rescued lucky Scruffy.
No matter their background, cats will turn into affectionate companions, when they are socialised in time and treated with loving care. But the rescued ones also have a story to tell that makes them even more dear to us.
Thank you for posting - she looks so cute.

Oct 16, 2009
Moved your submission
by: Michael

Hi Karen. Thanks for sharing. I moved your story to this page:

Domestic Cat. Just scroll down to see the submissions.

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