Searching For A Teacup Cat

Searching For A Teacup Cat

by Jade
(Bristol, England)

My partner and I are desperately searching for a genuine teacup kittie. We are young professionals who both work part time, so at least one of us is always at home, meaning that the cat will have plenty of company,love and affection. We have had animals our whole lives,sadly our last cat died last year. He is missed and we look forward to welcoming a new member to the family!

All of our animals have been rescues, but teacups have truly won my heart and our next pet for life simply has to be one!

If anyone within the UK is willing to help us find our baby, please get in contact! Let us know how much you want for your kitties please.

We are used to having animals and we know what we are looking for in terms of health etc, and if you are within driving distance we would love to meet the kittens and choose one.

Thank you for your time!


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Searching For A Teacup Cat

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Nov 05, 2011
Looking for teacup kitten
by: Anonymous

If anyone noes where I can get a teacup kitten please email me I’m in Birmingham England please help been looking for a while thanks

Nov 11, 2010
Wanted: A teacup kitten
by: Wendy

Do any of you know where to find these adorable kittens? I would love one! Please let me know if you know where I can find or purchase one. I’m in North Carolina and willing to travel to get one!

Jul 13, 2010
Teacup Kitten Wanted
by: Anonymous

I am looking for a Teacup Kitten if anyone knows where I might find one? Ideally in the Bath/Bristol area. Please feel free to email me at if you have one or know any breeders.

Jul 12, 2010
teacup kitten
by: Eva

hi there
i have one teacup kitten called Charlie.his parents are from America and he will be ready to go to good home in about 3 weeks. let me know if you are still interested.

Apr 21, 2010
Me too
by: Tutt

I really want a teacup kitten also I have owned a cat before but she wasn’t very nice so I have had bad expiriences with cats although my friend has 2 cats and they are really nice so I have had a little time of good expiriences but not alot. I do not know any breeder I have been looking but I don’t think I want to buy one offline because it kind of sad.

Dec 17, 2009
Tea cup cat
by: Aran

I have a tea cup cat 4 sale I live on the isle of Wight if you are interested my email is

Oct 25, 2009
UK Breeders of Singapura
by: Michael

You can see two Singapura breeders on this page (this is off site):

UK Singapura Breeders

Oct 25, 2009
by: Alice rose

Hi, I am desperately searching also for a beautiful little teacup kitten. I think I have only found about 2 genuine breeders and they are in America.

Apart from that I think I may search for a Singapura, if anybody knows of a breeder please let me know! Thankyou so much!

Aug 20, 2009
Teacup cats in England
by: Anonymous

I believe that the idea of teacup cats (small cats essentially) is an American thing and for that reason the breeders are in America.

I don’t know of any UK teacup breeder but could well be wrong. Internet searches don’t seem to bring up one.

There is a little bit of controversy surrounding teacup cats too. It is hard to distinguish a teacup cat from a small cat. In fact there is no difference except a teacup cat has probably been breed small through selectively breeding from small parents over a period of time to create a family of small cats.

The difficulty in knowing what is or isn’t a teacup cat (is there a difference?) means people might try and describe a cat as teacup when it is a normal cat that might not be fully grown and/or is simply small.

Even breeders of teacup cats agree that some of their cats are not going to become adult teacup sized cats, but bigger. So when they are sold (as kittens) they may grow to become adult cats that are small but not very small.

Finally, there are potential health issues. Breeding abnormally small cats may bring associated health issues much along the lines of breeding purebred cats that have abnormal faces, for example. I am thinking of the flat faced Persian, which has known health issues (tear duct overflow).

I don’t want to put you off though! And good luck Jade in your search. Perhaps someone else can suggest something.

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