by Ruth

Hi folks…My mom and dad took me to see Santa Claus because it’s almost Christmas. I thought I would like to share the picture of that happy day, with you all. You may remember I wrote my diary a while back:

Sebastian’s Diary Part 1

…because I hoped it might stop some cats from being declawed like I was.

I was pleased to hear that it did. Some people read it who didn’t know how cruel declawing is and how badly it affects us cats and they said they will never do it again.

My story has a happy ending in a way because although I can never get my toe ends and claws put back on I still live with the kind mom who rescued me from the Shelter when the vet who looked after us cats there said I should be killed because no one would ever give me a home.

I have a nice vet now who comes out to see me and gives me a jab to make sure the pain in my joints is kept bearable. He said he never declaws cats, he tells people about scratching posts and trimming claws instead of crippling us.

I don’t understand why some vets pretend declawing doesn’t hurt cats for their whole lives and why they keep on doing it. Mom says it’s because it makes them a lot of money and she wishes it was banned like it is in a lot of other countries.

My mom and dad love me very much and I love them back and they say no matter what happens, my forever home is with them.

My mom doesn’t work in the Rescue Shelter any more as it broke her heart to see so many homeless cats there and even more when they had lived with people who had them declawed like me and then didn’t want them.

I am lucky she was there to save me.

Please everyone keep up the good work of telling people the truth about how cruel declawing is and saving as many cats claws as you can until the wonderful day when declawing is banned in the whole world.

Happy Christmas and a peaceful 2011.


Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Comments for

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Dec 30, 2010 Happy Christmas
by: Anonymous

A belated Happy Christmas Sebastian.

Dec 28, 2010 Terrible
by: Ruth

That is terrible !!! To blatantly advertise a supposedly last resort operation is disgraceful and I must agree with you that vets who declaw cats are only in that profession for the money.
They obviously hate cats because no one who loves cats would abuse them that way.
I think those vets are realising now that they can’t get away with it much longer.
They must know that many more people are finding out the truth and joining those against it.
They must read articles on the internet and be worried their easy money is in danger. They are pushing laser declawing as more humane in the hopes that will fool clients.
The world is watching and waiting for those vets to catch up with the civilised world where cats are not second class citizens and have the same rights as dogs do.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Dec 28, 2010 i agree
by: kathy

I recently got an advertisement in a coupon envelope from a new vet in the area offering discounts on declawing. I got so angry I wanted to write them a nasty letter. How vets gain profits from animal cruelty is crazy. They should have their fingers removed and not be allowed to practice. How can a animal lover turn to animal hater is beyond me. I always thought to be a vet you had to love animals. Now I think people become vets just for the profit of having a career. These people are really sick and should not proclaim themselves animal lovers.

Dec 28, 2010 i agree
by: kathy

I recently got an advertisement in a coupon envelope from a new vet in the area offering discounts on declawing. I got so angry I wanted to write them a nasty letter. How vets gain profits from animal cruelty is crazy. They should have their fingers removed and not be allowed to practice. How can a animal lover turn to animal hater is beyond me. I always thought to be a vet you had to love animals. Now I think people become vets just for the profit of having a career. These people are really sick and should not proclaim themselves animal lovers.

Dec 18, 2010 Happy Christmas Sebastian
by: CJ

I hope you get your wish for your forever home to be always with the people who rescued you from life in a cage …or the death that vet wished for you ….
My Christmas wish is that 2011 sees the end of declawing forever.

Dec 16, 2010 Thank you
by: Ruth

Thanks for your comments everyone.
Elisa I don’t really know that Sebasatian could write much more as he told his story and it had an ending.
I was surprised when he popped up for Christmas lol
I think he might just leave the telling of cat stories to Furby


Dec 15, 2010 SAD
by: Edward

Man thats so sad poor Sebastian having to use his Christmas wish to stay in his home forever.
I forget hes not real as Ruth has made him come alive in pictures and words and there must be thousands or even millions of real declawed cats like him.
All cats should be loved forever and not have to wish for good food and love and to be looked after properly and keep their claws.
Its their right and I think they have as much right to have rights as we do.

Dec 15, 2010 Touching
by: Anonymous

This is the most touching blog I have seen for a long time.

Too late for Sebasatian’s finger and toe ends to be saved but I’m with his mom and dad who wish for an end to this abhorrent surgery for good.
What else could that little cat wish for but to stay in the happy home he has at last.

I have re read his whole diary and gone through an entire box of paper hankies.

Dec 14, 2010 Merry Christmas!
by: Maggie

On behalf of Sebastian I wish that all the cats out there who are going to be Christmas presents never have to go through the cruelty of declawing.

Hopefully next year Sebastian will tell Santa that for Christmas he wants to see the end of declawing.

Declawing has been going on for so long, the concept of it is ridiculous. For Christmas I wish that all declawed cats can have a day of happiness, I hope that they can see through their pain and enjoy this season that humans take advantage of.

Dec 14, 2010 Poor Sebastian
by: Leah (England)

If I could wave a magic wand I would give Sebastian his claws back so he could show his pawrents how he exercises and plays and jumps and runs as was his wish as well.

I can’t wave a wand though Sebastian but we can carry on working, trying our best to convince everyone that declawing is wrong and cripples cats for life.

I’m sorry you can’t have your claws but I’m happy that you have lovely caring pawrents who understand what you’re going through. Have a purrfect Christmas with them.

Dec 14, 2010 Happy Holidays
by: Jo Singer

Sebastian went to see Santa Claus? I bet he thought it was Santa CLAWS!, and that the best holiday and all year round gift for all the kitties in the world to never have to worry if their “pawrents” would ever consider declawing them!

What a brave kitty!!!

Happy Holidays to everyone, and lets pray that this wish comes true VERY SOON.

Bonks and purrs,

Jo, Hubble and Hush Puppy (who love Santa Claws)

Dec 14, 2010 Lovely but sad
by: Rose

That is so lovely.
How brave Sebastian is and my Christmas wish is the same as his mom and dads that no cat is ever declawed again.
But the greedy vets and ignorant owners will keep doing it until it’s banned.
I pray that’s soon.

Dec 14, 2010 I agree
by: Anonymous

I agree with all comments made so far…
What a wonderful Christmas present it would be for all of us to hear that de-clawing is banned world wide!!! This is just a dream, but dreams DO come true!
As Barbara said, the tide is turning, but it has been a very hard and long slog for Barbara and Ruth, who are absolute Earth Angels for this very important cause.
If cats could talk human, the sound would be defening with all of their heart felt
“thank you’s…”
To all the people who believe in de-clawing,
just stop and think about it and study all the facts. Stop thinking of yourselves, and think of what you are about to do to a loving and loyal friend!!! You are going to sentence a pet you supposedly love to a life time of unbearable pain!
Can you really live with that???
It is your KARMA………

Dec 14, 2010 I agree
by: Anonymous

I agree with all comments made so far…
What a wonderful Christmas present it would be for all of us to hear that de-clawing is banned world wide!!! This is just a dream, but dreams DO come true!
As Barbara said, the tide is turning, but it has been a very hard and long slog for Barbara and Ruth, who are absolute Earth Angels for this very important cause.
If cats could talk human, the sound would be defening with all of their heart felt
“thank you’s…”
To all the people who believe in de-clawing,
just stop and think about it and study all the facts. Stop thinking of yourselves, and think of what you are about to do to a loving and loyal friend!!! You are going to sentence a pet you supposedly love to a life time of unbearable pain!
Can you really live with that???
It is your KARMA………

Dec 13, 2010 If only wishes came true
by: Barbara

Thanks for showing us the picture Sebastian, I’m happy that your mom and dad understand you and are kind to you, I think you will be with them forever.
Oh if only Christmas wishes could come true, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could wish that no more cats would be disabled by declawing, that vets would honour their vows not to harm animals and that cat-parents would realise what a terrible thing declawing is. I think there is a shift in the tide, there are more and more people speaking up against declawing and of course there is the rally next July. There is a long road to go but even if we can take a few steps along it then all our efforts are worthwhile.
Merry Christmas Sebastian, Merry Christmas to the people of POC,Merry Christmas to all people who work for animal welfare, Painfree Christmas to all the cats for whom stopping declawing would come too late. And I have to say it, Horrible Christmas to those who declaw or condone declawing.

Barbara avatar

by: Elisa Black-Taylor

I wish you’d write about Sebastian more often. I love his stories. Come on Ruth, I know you could think of more. And he needs a Facebook page.

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