Hello everyone at PoC. Sorry I haven’t written my diary for so many years, the time has flown by since I came to live with my new mom and dad.
For anyone who hasn’t read about me before, click here for the start of my diary. It has seven parts because I wrote it as things happened. Or you can see the whole diary here.
Then Muriel came along too. Like me, she is declawed and her paws are painful and we thought we would have to put up with it for the rest of our lives because we can never have our claws back.

We have a very kind vet who gives us medicine to help us but sometimes I feel like I am walking on broken glass. I asked Muriel if she did too and she said yes, her paws sometimes hurt so much she doesn’t like to walk about. We both try to shake the pain away but it doesn’t work.
But now we have exciting news which I want to share! Mom heard it through the shelter where she still takes food for the cats but she is too old to work there now ande said she can’t take any more heartbreak.
Some vets who are called The Paw Project are taking x-rays of as many declawed cats paws as they can and the results are very shocking! A lot of us have bits of sharp bone the vets left when they took our toe ends and claws away and as the years go by those bits of bone move about and hurt us. No wonder our Muriel and me are suffering!
Well our mom and dad say they are going to get our vet to x-ray our paws and see if we have bits of bone and then we might have to have an operation each. They haven’t got much money but they say they will even sell things to pay for us to have this done, they are very happy that all declawed cats are going to have the chance to have a better life.
Dad says he hopes the people who had their cats declawed think it will be money well spent but mom said ‘Honey a lot of declawed cats aren’t with their original family’. Just like Muriel and me who got put in the shelter when our families didn’t want us any more!
Muriel said ‘What shall we do Sebastian, I don’t want people to touch my paws, shall we run away?’ I think she is still traumatised from when she had to stay at a place like that and she got a needle and woke up with her claws gone, just like happened to me. I must say I’m not very much looking forward to it either but mom said if it will stop us being so much in pain it will be worth it.
We are happy here with mom and dad but it would be great to be able to walk about without our feet hurting.
Cheerio for now, I will let you know what happens if you like.
(With the help of Ruth aka Kattaddorra)
I wish some one would!
It’s heart breaking to see cats deliberately crippled, I don’t see how declawing vets can go on much longer, they are proving themselves to be animal abusers now that they can’t pretend they don’t know what they do is causing suffering.
Sylvia’s computer problem is strange she can get to PoC but not to her emails, it would be good if you could help her Dee xx
Thank you Rudolph, I’m hoping people with declawed cats will see the message just like you did xx
Yes if only some brave person would sue their vet! Surely after one victory others would follow. Those vets deserve to be fined huge amounts of money for crippling cats, they have plenty in their bank accounts full of blood money to pay it, I’m sure.
No cat should be dragging himself around like that cougar, but there must be thousands like him.
If you saw some of the pictures and videos on facebook you’d be no more good Sylvia.
One that sticks in my mind is a newly declawed cat with his paws bandaged, limping around holding first one paw up then the other, in obvious pain and shock. What are his ‘owners’ doing? Standing there videoing him and LAUGHING!
I will never give up helping to try to get this legalised abuse banned.
Emails from me in your ten/twelve days x
Thank you Eva, I think it would be very difficult to make and sell the book ‘Sebastian’s Diary’ from here in England, when I first wrote the series someone commented that it was ‘too English’
I admit I’ve never seen a cat declawed or the consequences of that surgery in real life, but I’ve researched it deeply and having been a vet nurse know of the agony caused to those cats.
I long for the day when declawing is banned worldwide and wish my story could help bring that about.
Thanks Jo, I hope by bringing Sebastian back it will encourage everyone with a declawed cat to have his/her paws x-rayed.
Sebastian’s folk are very poor but they are going to do that anyway.
I can’t bear to think of all the cats living with extreme pain from bone fragments, they may be able to be helped by the Paw Project vets.
I hope when their work in repairing paws gets widely known that those cats get the treatment they deserve, to ease their suffering.