by Ruth
Please see Part 1 first..Wednesday..
I’ve had the most horrible 2 days.
My fears came true on Monday as mom did take me to that horrible place where they stick needles in cats and it turned out to be even worse than ever before.

By Ruth
I’m back home now and trying to make sense of what has happened to me.
When we arrived at that place we went into a room and mom took me from my carrier and the man in a white coat looked at me and said,
‘He looks healthy and should have no problems but I’ll run some tests first to make sure.’
Then he asked mom,
‘Do you want him to have pain medication?’
Mom said,
‘Will it cost more?’
He said,
‘Well yes of course, antibiotics are included in the cost but pain medication is extra’
Mom said,
‘Huh he’s costing me enough already so don’t bother about that’
The man said,
‘Wise choice,the advantage of having none is that cats are less inclined to jump if it hurts them to do so and the refore unlikely to re-open the wounds’
I didn’t really understand what they were talking about or what wounds were but it all sounded like bad news for me.
Mom put me back in my carrier and left me there. A lady took me into another room and put me into a cage with newspaper on its floor.
There were cats in the other cages too and we all shouted in fear because the place smelled very strange and we didn’t know what was happening. It wasn’t like the last place with cages where I stayed as we had no food or water in the cages this time. I was very hungry but even more frightened of being in that place.
The man I saw with mom came into the room and then the lady took me out of my cage and they shaved a patch on my neck and stuck a needle in and my blood filled a tube. The man listened to my heart with a cold disc he had plugged in his ears and then he looked in my eyes and ears and mouth. I was so very frightened I didn’t dare to struggle and try to escape. The lady put me back in my cage and I hoped that was all and that mom would come back for me very soon.
But a bit later the lady took me into a white room and held me on a cold table while another lady shaved a place on one of my front legs. The man came then and stuck a needle into my shaved bit of leg and everything went black…..
When I woke up from the most terrible nightmares about something tugging and hurting each one of my front toes in turn, I was back in the cage and my front paws were tightly bandaged.
The pain in my feet was very bad and my throat was hurting and dry and I could hear other cats crying. The smell of the place was even worse than before and I was ashamed to feel that I’d wet myself.
Blood was seeping through my dressings and I didn’t know what had happened to me that I had them on. I tried to stand up but I fell onto my side. I felt sick and dizzy with the pain in my paws so I hunched into a corner in misery and fear. My back feet worked OK but not my front ones with the bandages on.
I could hear the cat in the cage next to me jumping about and banging against the side and top of the cage, I felt like doing that too but I tried to go back to sleep in the hope that I’d wake up back at home and find the whole day was a nightmare.
Hour after hour of that long night my paws throbbed and the cat next door cried loudly and jumped about. Every now and again a lady came in and looked into each of our cages and talked to us but didn’t do anything to help us until the next morning.
Then she took me out of my cage and held me while another lady took off my bandages. I cried and struggled as it hurt me so badly. The lady holding me was crying too, she said,
‘How I hate this job, I didn’t know things like this went on, why is such a cruel procedure done to cats?’
The other said,
‘You’d better get used to all this as assisting at the declawing of cats and caring for them afterwards is part of the daily routine of being a vet tech and is what helps pay our wages.’
I liked the nice lady holding me as she was gentle like Julie and she talked to me but the other lady reminded me of mom when she was mad at me. They argued on. The nice lady said,
’But surely cats need their claws’
and the other said,
‘Yes they do but they’ve got to get used to doing without. OK it’s cruel and causes many cats a lot of problems but that doesn’t bother people like this one’s owner who thinks furniture is more important than the cat’s health’
I didn’t really know what they meant or what had happened to me, I only knew the pain in my feet was worse than ever as they cleaned the blood away and then put me back in my cage.
Someone had put fresh newspaper for me to sit on and a litter box with torn up newspaper in. I tried to stand up as I was desperate to use it but although I managed to climb in, when I tried to dig, the pain was too much.
They took the cat next door from her cage and she screamed so loudly when they took off her bandages like they did mine, that I tried to hide under the newspaper in my cage as I’d wet myself again and was scared they’d hurt me like they were hurting her. The kind lady said,
’Oh no, some of her wounds are open’
and the other lady said,
‘Yes that happens if they throw themselves around like she did, what a nuisance, now we’ll have to re-glue them’
The man came in and had a look at her but I don’t know what happened to her next as the nice lady took me out of my cage and the man stuck another needle in me and then I was put in my own carrier and taken out of the room to where my mom was waiting to collect me.
So, I’m home now but I don’t know where to put myself. Mom gave me some chicken and I ate a little bit as I felt so hungry.
I don’t know what happened at that horrible place to make it hurt so much to walk about. I tried to wash my paws but they taste of something horrible and mom shouted at me to leave them alone.
I feel very tired now and just want to be left to sleep in peace if the pain will let me….
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7