by Ruth
Please see part 1 and part 2 first.
The following Sunday
We had chicken for supper again tonight and I was given my bowl full but I haven’t eaten much. I’ve felt so poorly all the week since I came home, my appetite has gone and my paws still hurt a lot. My legs ache too because I haven’t been able to do my exercises.
By Ruth
I tried to do them on the couch, I forgot mom would yell at me but she didn’t anyway she just laughed and said,
‘Go ahead Seb, you can’t hurt it any more, you can even sit on it now’
And Jake laughed and shouted in his loud voice,
‘Stupid cat, clawing with no claws’
Jake shouts a lot and that horrible Rusty barks at me too even if I only sit on the back of the couch.
I thought it might make me feel better doing my stretching de-stressing exercises but I feel worse now because I couldn’t do it right.
It hurts to go in my litter box, I try to wait as long as I can but it makes my tummy hurt too but today I’ve found a nice place behind the couch where I can go instead, the carpet is soft and it doesn’t hurt so much.
I’ve been in trouble again as mom pulled out the couch today and found I’d used behind it as a toilet. She yelled,
I tried to tell her that the pain in my paws is so bad I hate using my litter box but she wouldn’t listen, she dragged me round there and pushed my nose in the mess.
Rusty started barking as he always does. I hate mom, I hate that dog and I hate this house.
My old mom never shouted at me and my feet never hurt in her house. I don’t understand why I am always being yelled at in this house.
Julie is the only one who cares about me now, she keeps on crying and she shouted at mom,
’What have you done, you told me it was only Sebby’s claws would be removed and he wouldn’t know any different, but mom his toe ends have gone too’.
And they have, I’ve tried and tried to stick out my claws but nothing happens. I desperately need to stretch up and dig them in like I used to as it would made me feel so much better.
Mom said,
’Don’t be so silly Julie, he will get used to it, it had to be done, I’m not having my new furniture ruined by any cat and if he doesn’t use his litter box he will have his nose shoved in his mess every time until he does use it’.
Will my toes and claws ever grow back? If I had them I could dig in my litter and not always be in trouble.
Mom was busy in the kitchen this morning so I snook behind the couch again when she wouldn’t see me, but I had a terrible fright. I didn’t know Jake was watching and he shouted,
‘Rusty, go get that dirty cat’.
And the dog came behind too and growled at me and I hissed and lashed out and hit his nose, but it turned out as a soft pat and Rusty didn’t run away like he used to from my claws.
I had to run away from him, I jumped up on the windowsill where I often sit now out of his reach, it really hurts my feet to jump and I couldn’t help crying with the pain but Jake laughed and laughed and said,
‘You’d better not go behind there any more dirty cat’
Julie came to pick me up but in my panic because I feel so stressed and so defenceless now, I bit her hand. She screamed and mom came running and shouted at me,
‘What is going on with you cat, that Shelter woman told me you were very good natured, you’ll go back there if you keep up that behavior’.
I don’t know what I keep doing wrong, it was horrible living in a cage but I wish I was back there now as I think it was mom who told that man to take my toe ends away. I think she hates me.
A week later
My life is misery. I’m getting used to walking differently and being careful when jumping not to land on my front feet too heavily, but my body aches and I can’t do the things I used to do.
Julie forgave me for the bite, she held me and stroked me and said,
‘Sebby I’m so sorry, I’d have fought mom tooth and nail to stop her having you declawed if I’d known it would be so horrible’.
She gave me a catnip mouse and I tried to play with it but I couldn’t give it a good kick with my back feet that still have proper toes and claws as I couldn’t hook it and hold it with my front paws like I used to at my old moms. I rolled around on it to show Julie I liked it but she sat crying and saying how she hates mom now for what she did to me.
I wonder if my claws will come back, I hope so because I need them very much for everything I do and I want Julie to stop crying too.
Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6 – Part 7