Selling Ocelot Fur Coat

“Selling ocelot fur coat” is a Google search term. People are still looking to buy one. And they are for sale on eBay. These are vintage ocelot coats. They were traded before bans were introduced. CITES and other bans are now in existence but I’d expect that trading in ocelot skins still takes place. There is still a demand. I think you’ll find the demand comes from the less well developed countries such as in Eastern Europe and beyond (no insult intended).

Vintage ocelot fur coat
Vintage ocelot fur coat for sale on eBay
Two useful tags. Click either to see the articles:- Toxic to cats | Dangers to cats

There are some almighty ethical dilemmas in how to deal with ocelot fur coats. What if you are left one by your granny? Do you wear it? No. Do you give it to a charity which sends it out to a cold, Eastern European country to keep people warm? No, not as far as I am concerned. Do you throw it away? Possibly, yes. I’d just keep it indefinitely as a reminder that ocelots were at one time mercilessly hunted in the tens of thousands for the skin on their backs.

Should eBay sell vintage ocelot fur coats? I don’t think they should. Their presence encourages the wearing of such garments.

Vintage ocelot fur coat
Vintage ocelot fur coat for sale on eBay

US Customs figures for the 1960s tell us that ocelots were the main skins on the fur market at that time and that in 1970 there were 140,000 ocelot skins on the US market. Staggering and shocking.

Any wearing of a vintage ocelot fur coat will encourage someone to buy one and that may result, even in 2016, in the death of more ocelots at the hands of hunters and trappers.

Did you know that it takes an average of 12.9 ocelot skins to make a fur coat. That’s thirteens lives just to please a rich woman. In 2002 the coats cost $40,000.

Protection laws were introduced between 1967 and 1973.

Note: in 1989 the ocelot was moved to appendix I of CITES which prohibits all international commerce in skins and live animals.


Source: myself and Wild Cats of the World.

7 thoughts on “Selling Ocelot Fur Coat”

  1. I inherited an ocelot coat from my politically incorrect German mother who somehow acquired it in the late fifties and I LOVE it! Would I go out of my way to buy one in this day and age NO! Do I want to wear it, because it is GORGEOUS and it reminds me of a time when things were simpler and of my mother, who was a very charitable person in deed and with her money, she could wear a coat like this just like she could eat steak, wear purses made of crocodile leather and shoes that were once on breathing things, – get a grip, people: there are infinitely more cruel things happening out there today than donning a 60 year old coat; not wearing it does not do anyone any good and wearing it does not make you a monster…

    • I agree with you Stephanie in many ways and I understand your sentiments. However, the one problem for me is that in wearing an ocelot coat you are inadvertently advertising the fact that the skin of an ocelot makes a nice, desirable coat. This undermines the conservation of the ocelot. It is illegal to kill ocelots for their coat nowadays but people still do it and this cat is still vulnerable to human exploitation. Its numbers are still declining in the US – down to 50 and it will be extinct in due course in the US. All wild cats are endangered by human population growth and activity and exploitation of the earth’s resources.

  2. I also get extremely sad and angry when I think about how people, in this day and age, still think it’s okay to kill animals to wear their skins… That’s stone-age behavior and it has to stop!

    • But it’s perfectly fine for you to pay others to kill animals for you to then cram their tortured and dead bodies into bags, boxes, and cans and slap a “CAT FOOD” label on it for you. LOL Self-loathing hypocrite, much? 🙂

      • A cat’s gotta eat, and I don’t see anything funny about that either.
        There’s also a difference between life or death, and fashion.
        I think I know who’s actually self-loathing.
        I also think I know who you are, we both had our say, now please stop.
        Thank you.

        • Oh, but it’s perfectly fine for your cats to roam free and skin-alive or gut-alive living things just for their play-toys. Not even eaten. Did you know that if human hunters are found guilty of “wanton waste” laws that their licenses are revoked and even their vehicles are confiscated? Just because this crime against all of nature is so heinous. But you? You applaud your vermin cats when they engage in torturing-to-death animals just for their play-toys, no other reason. They don’t even use their fur or feathers for a coat. It’s just a total waste of animal-life, and you applaud this. Go kill yourself and take your vermin cat with you. You and your kind are not wanted nor needed on this planet.


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