Senior cat rescue organisation accused of allowing cats to freeze to death in move

Senior cat rescue accused of allowing cats to freeze to death
Senior cat rescue accused of allowing cats to freeze to death

Accusations have been levelled at Melissa Anne Greene of SERENITY FOR SENIORS CAT RESCUE PROJECT for allowing cats to freeze to death in the back of a removals truck (U-Haul) during a move into her new place. Update: the phrase ‘freeze to death’ is apparently too harsh. The elderly cats allegedly died because of the cold. The better description is, ‘being in the freezing weather did cause senior and elderly cats to die’.


Jodie V Lyn posting on Facebook (January 26 at 5:25 PM) wrote that Greene claimed that it took her three days to get into her new place. The cat were forced to live in the U-Haul rental truck during freezing weather. Greene is accused of failing to ensure that the truck was heated at least to a sufficient level to remove the possibility of the cats being harmed. Jodie writes that Greene could have plugged in a heater to keep the cats warm or rented ‘an inexpensive hotel room to keep the cats warm’ instead of them enduring the ‘Eastern deep freeze’.

She writes that two cats ‘died rather quickly. A third just passed away and several others are very, very sick.’

On her Facebook page, Greene has been asking for donations to fund her move. I myself have donated £20.

Lyn says:

“People have been throwing money at her right and left. Who in the hell would leave cats to freeze? That’s cruelty and neglect. I used to be friends with this person until I saw what happened. Where is the law? Why isn’t she being investigated?”

Lyn’s research on the weather in the area concerned shows that the low in Greene’s town was 14 degrees and was in the 20s for several days. For international readers other than Americans this is in Fahrenheit. Freezing conditions are 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

She writes that the cats endured these conditions for three days, ‘then they started dying’.

Temperatures allegedly endured by the cats
Temperatures allegedly endured by the cats

Greene’s defence

Greene makes no statement about the cats dying during the troubled move (as far as I can tell). However she admits on Facebook that the move turned out to be much longer than envisaged and move expensive which is why she is still seeking donations at the date of this post.

Greene defends herself on her FB page. These are her words:

“I would never hurt an animal, any animal intentionally period! We, Patrick and I did what we thought was best at the time, for the cats as a whole! We thought it through!

Hotels, Calling the Shelter, I was not willing to take the risk of them all being euthanized! And So I opted to try as best we could to manage them and keep them safe! It just didn’t work out for all of them! If I could take Damian, Sugar n Footsie’s place I would. I put these animals first period!

If anyone thinks differently, you don’t know me very well! My Soul has been torched with this outcome! It haunts me but if I dont carry on then all the others suffer!

For those spreading untruths and judgments, go ahead! I know WHO I AM and I stand by my truth and how we tried for ALL of these cats!!!”

If anyone can add to this story please do so in the Facebook discussion or comments below. I have been cautious in reporting this and no disrespect for either party is intended.

Here are two screenshots from Greene in response:

FB screenshot from Melissa
FB screenshot from Melissa
FB screenshot from Melissa
FB screenshot from Melissa

Jodie V Lyn’s FB post

Melissa Anne G of serenity for seniors moved last week. She claims it took three days for her to get into her new place….

Posted by Jodie V Lyn on Saturday, January 26, 2019

34 thoughts on “Senior cat rescue organisation accused of allowing cats to freeze to death in move”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Give me a break. Every single post she makes is asking for money. She won’t get a job. She’s living on donations. Scam artist!!

  3. And Melissa continues to ask for more and more money. She is LIVING on donations people send her for the cats. She won’t get a job and recently made 10k.. where did that go? It sure went fast. Every single post she makes is asking for money.

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