Serious Cat Pictures and Videos
by Michael
There are almost no pictures or videos described as “serious cat pictures” or “serious cat videos”. Almost everything on the internet in relation to cats is meant to be funny. LOL. Bored. Why? There is a massive cult of funny cat something or other that features cats….Cats are meant to be funny on the internet.
Before the internet cats were not meant to be funny, they were meant to be cats. People didn’t even think about cats being funny. Perhaps there was the odd moment at home when your cat did something that amused you but a cult? No.
Of course most cat pictures and videos are of cats that are neither funny or serious but they are outnumbered by funny cat videos and pics.
The really funny thing is that the cat is not trying to be funny and does not think he or she is being funny. Some people, a lot of people, just find what cats do, funny. And some video makers create situations for their cat that makes them look silly – cat abuse, sorry.
The funny peculiar thing is that people are very near the line or are over the line between decency and abuse. It could be argued that people are abusing the cat on many occasions. The problem is that a lot of people don’t respect the cat and/or animals generally.
When I first built this site about five years ago, I remember building a page around a video of a person, the cat’s owner (not a caretaker as he was and is a horrible person) shouting loudly at his own cats. Many people were amused by this. Five years later it has accumulated almost 2.5 million views. This surely tells a story. The story is that there are some horrible people out there in the ether of the internet who don’t like cats and like to laugh at cat abuse of whatever type: mild or severe. Here is that infamous video:
Horrible, cruel video as far as I am concerned.
This “yelling at cats video” must have been one of the first “funny cat videos” and to people who like cats and care or are concerned about cats it is not the sort of video that we like. The opposite in fact.
People who like and love cats don’t think it is right to laugh at cats behaving normally. That is a fair comment, I believe.
Note: I am not being a killjoy or a grumpy old man on this occasion! I like a laugh. And I can laugh at some cat videos. I just don’t like the cult of using cats to create an image or a video that is intended to make us laugh. It smacks of cat abuse to me.
There is a dividing line I think. You know when the creator has gone over it. A recent example was a video of a cat that was very frightened. Some viewers loved it as for them it was a good laugh. For me is was plain unadulterated cat abuse and using cats to entertain people. How can people laugh at a cat being frightened?
Let’s have fun, the more the better, but let’s not demean the cat. It is disrespectful and is the kind of culture that leads to cat abuse of a more serious nature.