I wonder if this video is a set up. I think it is because it is too contrived. Whatever the truth behind it, I like it when a cat gets revenge on a human who deserves it.
It appears that the guy wanted to demonstrate, on video, his guitar playing skills. His cat was in the way so he rough handled him off the chair and kicked him away – softly, mind you.
The cat then goes up the stairs and on the way up knocks over a pot plant which falls on the guy’s head.
What makes it contrived? Well, firstly, why sit in that particular chair to video your self playing a guitar? There must have been other chairs in better places than under the stairs.
Also why is the camera so far from the man? Answer: so that the field of vision includes the stairs. The camera should be closer and the field of vision tighter.
Another contrived aspect of this video is that the way he mishandled his cat which looks like acting. Okay, he did it but to me I’d say he does not usually handle his cat like this. I’d guess that he is a very good cat caretaker.
He’s probably set the whole thing up and he may have got the idea because his cat has, in the past, knocked over that particular plant in that pot by brushing past it.
The clincher is that the pot that was knocked over was placed slightly nearer the center of the stairs and away from the edge so that it could be knocked over when his cat brushed into it. The other plants are on the edge.
There it is: a set up. Not bad. He got the video onto the Daily Mail online. You can hardly go wrong with a cat especially if the cat wins an argument with a human.
HAHAHAHA that was great Michael 😀
I am guessing their were quite a few failures until the final take 😉 .
Many “takes” would mean many pots falling on the head. He’s have to be quite dedicated to making this video, for some reason….
But maybe the pot didn’t fall many times? Failures?
I liked your story. The cat’s decision to go upstairs might not have been predicable but it might have been encouraged in some way. If I am correct the video would have had many failures before the “success” that we see.
So, if it was contrived, there is a cooperative spirit between the cat and the man, shown by the cat running upstairs, which could hardly be predicted.
I rented a room with a man who was very mean to me.
He said he liked cats, but I saw no evidence of that.
He used to keep a sleeping bag on the living room couch, and one day Mitzy pooped on it! I was so surprised because she’d never done anything like that, and hasn’t since. I don’t think she liked him, and knew somehow that he made me feel upset.
(I’m just guessing on this, but it seems that some cats know when people don’t like them.)
I wonder about other stories of “retaliation” by cats that have been mis-treated.